Example sentences of "it be [adv] [conj] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 some reason it has n't accepted it and Brian says it 's probably cos me wages have n't gone in yet , the bank they ca n't be empty , so he 's hoping to get that by the time they took it out he 's money at the end , it 's embarrassing enough , so , he 's telling me , so they had to take the stuff off him
2 I suppose it 's probably because his time at Leeds coincided with the time when I used to go to see them most frequently .
3 It 's probably because his father is n't important .
4 It 's not that my family deliberately kept Fred 's existence a secret .
5 Children are as perceptive as adults really , it 's just that their perception is slightly different and so there are certain things you do n't deal with .
6 It 's just that your father 's letter … it seems almost to suggest — ’ At which point the spill I was holding burnt my fingers .
7 It 's just that your father and I … well , we thought he was a very pleasant young man , and he seemed to like you quite a lot . ’
8 it 's just that my mum and dad have been on ones where they do n't know where they 're going , Greece
9 It 's just that my dad repairs mine .
10 ‘ No , it 's just that my sister 's going out , ’ she says , as she picks up the various plastic carrier bags already waiting in the hall .
11 It 's just that my throat is sore and I 'm aching all over .
12 It 's just that my mother lives a few miles away from there , in Blindenhall . ’
13 It 's just that my husband could n't get through to BR , and he rang the operator and I thought … ’
14 Nothing drastic — it 's just that his studio is taking on a more Tardis-like appearance than before .
15 It 's just that you people probe into all sorts of things .
16 But it 's also because our supporters understand the nature of the emergency and the need to stay together until our goal is fulfilled .
17 IT 'S 7am and your partner 's rearing to start the day .
18 It 's enough that we hiv Phillis , she never forgets a face . ’
19 It 's only as their wardrobes become full that the problem arises ; garments that turn out the wrong size are going to fill one person 's space more than another 's .
20 It 's only because your boss is here , is n't it Bill ?
21 It 's , it 's only because his bed looks comfortable .
22 ‘ They do say that it 's there that thy Robemaker has his Workshops .
23 It is simply that their numbers were fewer and hence their overall impact appears less .
24 This does not mean , however , that Elizabeth has no freedom of action at all ; it is simply that her actions must stay well within the bounds that society has placed on her .
25 It is right that our procedures should be subject to challenge and change , but her idea of turning a Government Advisory Unit into some kind of Oxford tutorial is an absurd perversion of everything that has been so slowly and painstakingly developed over the years .
26 It is here that your values and ideas about preparing children ( i.e. guiding and training them ) for life need to be worked out clearly and communicated to your youngster in the form of reasons .
27 It is here that your reviewer must admit his personal friendship with author Jim Hooper ( who is also a contributor to ‘ MI ’ Nos. 22 , 24 & 31 — Ed .
28 Another commonly-accepted indication of intelligence is the way animals deal with the unpredictable contingencies of their world through learning ; and it is here that our intuition tells us that we must be dealing with something very like intellect .
29 You should have enough energy to ascend from Scarth Gap onto Haystacks which is a jumble of rocky knolls , tarns and heather , so loved by Wainwright — in fact it is here that his ashes are now scattered .
30 It is n't that his pleasure in masculinity is suspect so much as that all that sensuous attention tells us something else about the cult of masculinity among men .
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