Example sentences of "it be [verb] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Has it been shown to any dentists ? "
2 Dr Longstaff said : ‘ Our study will enable us to find out more about the causes of asthma , suggest ways of preventing it , and make sure the resources to treat it are used to best effect . ’
3 Does the idea of homology apply only to morphological patterns , he asks , or can it be applied to developmental processes ?
4 How effective do you consider this means of presentation and how widely could it be applied to other discourse types ?
5 Napoleon III let it be known to both men that a simple withdrawal of the candidature would suffice and that France would then be glad to consider the whole affair closed .
6 However , some sole practitioners indicated that they might accept the principle of prior approval if it were extended to all firms or at least all new firms in the process of setting up .
7 Fifty pounds a week could benefit the whole school , if it were put to other uses . ’
8 As young men the members of it were apprenticed to practised warriors , taught the profession of arms ; even as children they learned to follow the chase , to hunt boar and stag and wolf , not to mention all the lesser game of the forest ; they learned how to handle and appraise a hawk ; and in the evenings , in their father 's halls , or in the halls of other great lords to whom they had been sent to learn their profession , they listened to the minstrels singing songs of knightly prowess .
9 Yet , like the Christian cross , the sacral horns were used in a general symbolic way , and it may be that the Labyrinth was , as a whole , dedicated to Poteidan even though individual sanctuaries and shrines within it were dedicated to other deities , in much the same way that within a cathedral there may be chapels dedicated to a variety of Christian saints .
10 Simon had n't inherited yet ; the house was entailed of course and as there was no direct male heir ( my being what I am ) it looked as if it were going to some cousin overseas , only later it became known that Mary had had a posthumous son : he 's still a minor — here 's another member of my family whom I have n't met , I seem to have an assortment .
11 " It being stated to this Meeting that the Water of A-ruagh under Kilchoman House is at present impassable — and a total obstruction to Travelling until a Bridge is erected — …
12 " It being represented to this meeting that part of the Church yard of Kilnaughtan , facing the South E : or the sea is likely to be carried away by the Blowing of Sand and that several Coffins have been exposed " the meeting appoints a Committee to obtain any estimate for banking .
13 1792 It being Represented to this Meeting that their is unlawful combinations and Meetings held by the Weavers in the Island , particularly in the Parish of Kilchoman , for the purpose of shortening or cutting off the usual measure called the Islay Ell , which has for time Immemorial been the Standard Measure given by the Weavers with every Species of their Manufacture , and for reducing the measure to the English yard , and for continueing the prices for the English yard as high as that for the Islay Ell
14 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
15 1811 " It being known to this Meeting that two Parochial Schoolhouses are upon the way of being finished at Kilchoman and Kilmeny , and that it is proposed to build a third schoolhouse at Kildalton … stent themselves in the sum of £70 . "
16 It 's cut to upper-thigh length , my preference , and there 's plenty of material for upper arm movement even when worn under a climbing harness .
17 It 's lead to chronic lung damage .
18 But as we 're seeing it 's happening to all sorts of people .
19 So when it 's added to harmful substances , it makes them unpalatable .
20 because they 've sold everything off like gas and electricity and everything and all the resources they 've got for it they 've spent , to supplement everything else , so the money wo n't be there , and , and the income from the electricity and that is n't going to the Government it 's going to private enterprise
21 Gon na ask you to do an exercise now er it 'll it 'll take us to four o'clock before we start talking about assertiveness what I 'm gon na ask you to do is in one , two three , one two in two twos and a three I want you to put on paper one side one sheet of paper to sum up all the things we 've done about communication so far today and it 's going to other people on this course , and it 's going to be marked by one of them on this course .
22 it 's going to dotted minims .
23 It looks to me as if it 's going to blooming rain again .
24 The quantity n is called the principal quantum number and though it is related to angular momentum it is not identical with it as Bohr had supposed .
25 Some say that the breed originated in Wales from a cross between local cattle at Castle Farm in Brecon with Castlemartins from Pembrokeshire , which means that it is related to neighbouring Glamorgan , Gloucester and Welsh Black breeds .
26 For example , it is related to parental love in that children learn at a very early stage that behaving well or being ‘ OK ’ means they get more affection ; being ‘ not OK ’ leads to a withdrawal of affection .
27 Bleeding from these ulcers is often related to portal hypertension and may be controlled with an infusion of somatostatin , but occasionally it is related to arterial damage which will only respond to prompt surgical intervention .
28 Considerable effort by senior management needs to be devoted to refining information so that it is related to local units , uses easily understood concepts and yardsticks , has illustrations and examples , is consistent and is a careful balance between mentioning failures and successes .
29 In 1991-92 , the TDC had a budget allocation of £51 million , which it is using to great effect .
30 " It is stated to this Meeting that the Lint Miln is keep 'd in very bad order , and that it is insufficient to manufacture the Lint of the Parish independent of the Lint of the whole Island .
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