Example sentences of "it be [verb] [det] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 across and it 's touching that hole in the middle and she 's getting all blocked up and the stuff 's running all the way down the back of your throat , that right ?
2 The government has paid for the restructuring of the Villahermosa Palace to house the collection ; it is guaranteeing any short-fall in the running costs after entrance fees are collected ; it is paying $6 million rent a year , index-linked , for the collection ; it has introduced an indemnity scheme to cover the works of art , and has given the Baron and Baroness the last word on how the collection is to be administered during the ten years of the loan , at the end of which the collection is handed back , with exemption from Spain 's otherwise very restrictive art export laws .
3 The way to do it is to treat that murder in as formal a manner as you can .
4 It is observed that pH in the samples from patients without gall stones was higher than what is normally reported in human gall bladder bile .
5 The Gwili is a small society running a two-mile line on a shoe-string and yet it is having some success in extending both the length of the line and its infrastructure .
6 The profession will have to take positive steps if it is to make any progress in bridging the expectation gap .
7 What then of the Government 's claim that it is spending more money in income support than it would have done had the previous supplementary benefit system remained in place ?
8 Some homoeopathic practitioners advise that patients should not drink coffee , or even tea , while under homoeopathic treatment , as it is considered that coffee in particular tends to inactivate the remedies .
9 We would n't still be doing it if we did n't feel that it was creating enough profit in the meantime , and looked like it could create more as it went along . ’
10 It was given enough credence in the 1960s , though for a monument to be erected by the Roman ford in Bredcroft meadow recording her chase .
11 However , it was stated that disagreement in this area between the republic and the Union would be resolved " according to the procedure established by the [ proposed ] Union treaty " .
12 Apart from this , it was found that sentencing in the magistrates ' courts and sentencing in the Crown Court did not differ significantly .
13 It was held that property in the incomplete ship passed on payment of the first instalment but that no property passed at that time in some materials which were Lying in the ship yard and might be used in the ship 's construction .
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