Example sentences of "it be [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rain said : ‘ Would n't it be destroying part of the evidence ? ’
2 Now that Moscow 's hopes for fruitful negotiation with the United States had been shattered , it was necessary for the Soviet Union to adopt a more aggressive stance if it were to maintain credibility as a rival to Washington .
3 If that 's a natural as it were adapted effect of the Trivers Willard effect , there are plenty of cultural ones as well .
4 Christina had just received the last consignment of furniture , arriving in the nick of time to prevent it being dumped higgledy-piggledy in the reception hall .
5 Frenetic close-season transfer activity is new to most rugby countries , but in South Africa it 's become part of the furniture …
6 So it 's getting use to the notation , the number that goes in front of the compound applies to everything in the compound .
7 It 's seen service as a transporter in every action the airforce has been involved in since 1967 .
8 Now it 's facing controversy after the death of a French woman who took it .
9 It 's called Service With A Smile , ’ said Amiss through clenched teeth .
10 it 's called Father of the Bride and it 's about this wedding kind of thing
11 It 's called Bandage On A Cowpat .
12 Now it 's to take part in a feasibility study .
13 Perhaps that means it 's raising money for a loony bin .
14 It 's raising morale amongst a once discouraged workforce .
15 He assures them Virgin Atlantic can and does compete on cost as well as service , but he claims British Airways is n't playing fair and has complained to the European commission that B A is offering anti-competitive deals Virgin claims it 's losing business as a result .
16 For instance this bit of woodland which we planted fifteen years ago — it 's becoming part of the countryside and in another generation will be here as a bit of habitat for wildlife — it 's of no monetary significance at all .
17 It 's learnt alot from the Japanese about production and about quality .
18 And it 's winning margin in the last election was only 1,300 votes .
19 It 's playing host to a squadron of Harrier jump jets on a military excercise .
20 Today though , it 's playing host to the newly formed Cotswold and Gloucestershire Farm Attractions Group .
21 When a leader in the Independent accuses Freddie Mercury of being a bad example because of homosexual acts committed in strictly guarded privacy before he realised he was at risk , it is using science as a screen for unexamined prejudice .
22 The department says that it is seeking advice from the Committee on safety of Medicines on B17 .
23 It is condoning promotion of a drug which kills 110,000 people a year … it is , quite simply , unethical . ’
24 ‘ All metals expand when heated ’ will only be a legitimate generalization if the observations of expansion on which it is based range over a wide variety of conditions .
25 That is ‘ No comment ’ , but it 's ‘ No comment ’ done in such a way that it is implying intelligence on the part of the audience , saying , ‘ Well , you realize , of course , that if I were to comment on this , you know , it would prejudice either the chances of the prisoner if we catch him or , you know , any possible clues and so on . ’
26 Hospice administrator Deidre Shaw said : ‘ Our shop is a most essential source of income and can only operate well if it is given support by the public .
27 A typical gas instantaneous water heater will give a temperature rise of 50°C with a flow rate of around 6.5 litres/minute — so if it is taking water from the mains at 10°C , it will raise the temperature to 60°C .
28 But the charge that sterling policy was the main cause of the British predicament is more difficult to sustain , even if it is made part of a vicious circle of poor performance .
29 Once the gales have blown themselves out and the depressions have ‘ filled ’ or moved away , we usually get a spell of settled weather when things return to normal.The few days of settled weather allow me to spend some hours fishing offshore for ling and tusk which , as well as providing me with relaxation and sport , is satisfyingly justified in my own mind because it is providing food for the family during the winter to come .
30 If the book does have one central purpose it is to shed light upon the process of the changing system of higher education in Britain , and if it reaches one clear conclusion it is that both Oxford and Cambridge have performed admirably in recent years .
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