Example sentences of "it be [verb] [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 eh if I know it were gon na be that quick I would n't of put that other one in freezer
2 For a fraction of a second it looked as though it were going to be just that , he 'd vaulted too hard and he was going to overshoot the small terrace and land on the ugly hard shapes of the garden furniture in the basement courtyard beneath .
3 We get up at 7 a.m. , and have breakfast at 7.30 ( now it 's getting to be more like 7.45 ! ) before we set out by car for the Institute where we start teaching at 8.30 .
4 And like any other baby it 's proving to be quite a handfull … especially at mealtimes .
5 ‘ In general we feel that , as far as nuclear power is concerned , it 's beginning to be far more acceptable .
6 It 's said to be as effective as the pill and experts say it 'll widen the choice for women .
7 It 's bound to be terribly complicated . ’
8 Now whether it 's meant to be really her mother , or
9 But apparently , it 's meant to be really good there .
10 It 's meant to be really funny ,
11 I , I do think it 's meant to be there to actually .
12 it was a cro , I tell you what , we were playing something tonight , I think it was the last thing before you stopped , and I kept thinking any minute now it 's gon na be Somewhere Over the Rainbow
13 But then it was this I thought any minute it 's gon na be Somewhere over the Rainbow .
14 Er something that is , is inconceivable to me that the , the other unions do n't do it because I , I believe it 's gon na be enormously important to our trade union movement .
15 Thank you , er it 's gon na be dead er good this summer
16 It 's gon na be dead boring though is n't it ?
17 four , it 's gon na be marginally out .
18 It 's gon na be bitterly cold !
19 If you 're gon na turn to stealing , then from then on it 's gon na be not the last resort any more , it 's gon na be one of the first resorts because it pays so much quicker .
20 it 's gon na be right at the front .
21 I do n't , I do n't I mean I do n't quite agree with what you 're saying cos you seem to be saying whatever party 's in power in local government it 's gon na be exactly the same
22 And it 's gon na be either what a a a short it is or what a .
23 gon na be pretty safe , it 's gon na be pretty stable , we do n't have to get our f hands dirty erm you know
24 It 's gon na be pretty imminent
25 It 's gon na be even more difficult another three or four posts I believe are now appointed with Aiden that will create vacancies .
26 I 'm going to Spain , it 's gon na be even
27 Black jeans and white cords , we 'll see if you 're right , it 's gon na be on in a minute .
28 and probably incorporate one or two , ca n't do that on the garage though cos it wo n't , it 's gon na be out of character
29 Or are you saying it 's resolving the problem today and next month it 's gon na be as bad again .
30 Cos he said it 's gon na be as big as the other house .
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