Example sentences of "it be [noun] [pron] [vb past] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's time we had ministers who will listen to Social Services and in a few months time we shall have them , a Labour Government .
2 ‘ I think it 's time we got things straight between us , ’ he said grimly .
3 I think it 's time we increased surveillance on all arrivals into Finland . ’
4 ‘ Then it 's time you changed restaurants , ’ retorted the Florentine owner , evidently considering this an unlikely eventuality .
5 Then I think it 's time I came south , maybe the Pembroke coastal path or following the Thames to the sea , ’ he said .
6 I know you 're only doing your duty ; I suppose it 's time I did mine . ’
7 It is Shug who protected Celie from Albert , she promised to stay with her , since Albert never beat her when Shug was around .
8 Their record on crime is a disaster , and it is time they gave way to a Government who have the imagination and policies to tackle crime fundamentally , not at the periphery .
9 If you are finding that you are answering ‘ yes ’ to most of these questions , it is time you took action !
10 In the days of his partnership with Tim Rice , it was Rice who took charge of the " front of house " publicity , handling the round of chat-shows and press interviews with a breezy and plausible charm .
11 were regular visitors at his home , but it was Busoni who became Petri 's mentor , and close friend .
12 In 1528 , when he perhaps helped to garrison Guisnes , offices in Salisbury eluded him because Thomas Wolsey [ q.v. ] had already disposed of them ; by 1530 it was Wolsey who needed Baynton 's goodwill .
13 Keynes has shown that he and his brothers , six of them according to Florence of Worcester , appear in the witness lists of royal charters for some time before 1006 ; but it was in 1007 that Eadric received his ealdormanry , and Florence says that it was Eadric who had Ælfhelm murdered and the king who blinded his sons .
14 The Times hypothesised in the course of the election campaign that it was leaders who lost elections , not challengers who won them .
15 For it was Gould who showed Darwin his first evidence of the possible transmutation of species .
16 It was Boyer who helped Coleridge to understand the subtle logic and ‘ fugitive causes ’ which gave the greatest poetry its power , and who taught the lesson , not immediately applied in Coleridge 's teenage work , that conventional metaphors and needless elaboration seldom made good verse :
17 It was Powell who took care of the necessary details that Branson was too impatient to deal with — accounting , credit controls , job descriptions , compliance with Acts .
18 It was Aubrey who brought Harry back to his senses .
19 ‘ . The murdered emperor was Caligula ; it was Nero who succeeded Claudius .
20 It was Ossie who took Swindon up into the 1st division — or so he thought .
21 And at Avranches , it was Arnulf who persuaded Henry to accept the final settlement .
22 It was Willans who advised Rolt 's parents to apprentice him as a mechanical engineer , and it was with great enthusiasm that in 1926 the boy left Cheltenham College , which had been a miserable experience for him , to serve as a pupil at Bomfords , an agricultural engineering firm at Pitchill near Evesham .
23 And it was Nicholas who grabbed Celtic 's second goal after 27 minutes .
24 It was Goscinny who suggested changes until we got him just right . ’
25 But he revealed : ‘ It was Nigel who found Paul Byrne through his southern contacts .
26 It was Wyatt who introduced Johnny to Fergie two years ago — and that 's when things took off , ’ says Taki .
27 It was Sidney who introduced Charlie to loud , cigar-chomping music hall impresario Fred Karno ( John Thaw ) .
28 It is a curious joke of history that it was Stalin who gave Lithuania its capital city ( between the wars it was in Poland ) , and Tito who , in order to weaken great-Serbian chauvinism , created a much larger Croatia with a much larger Serbian minority .
29 It was Oliver who noticed Barbara Coleman 's exit from the house .
30 It was Emma who insisted Ruth always ask .
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