Example sentences of "it be [noun] [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In it are examples of his installation work and some object sculptures , among them ‘ Bureau Couvert de Mules ’ of 1966 and another work from the Sixties which consists of a stuffed parrot in a glass case with an accompanying text and a tape-loop of sound .
2 ‘ But it 's not right , ’ said Lydia Horton , looking around the dreary little back-street surgery in the least attractive part of Oswaldston as if it were part of her grievance .
3 He added : ‘ If a woman upsets you , all right — it 's part of their function in life .
4 I do n't know , I do n't know , er , I , I , I 'm not really up into this , but for example , the reason that McDonald 's uses red , is because it 's part of their culture of being classed in an so if you used green .
5 I 've seen it before , it 's part of his make-up . ’
6 It 's part of his consciousness , yes , that 's a nice idea .
7 It 's part of his job : he 's a headmaster .
8 It 's part of your fun as well — if you have not picked that up , you should . ’
9 It 's part it 's part of your pack Desmond , I gave you papers and you should have in it erm
10 Perhaps you feel it 's part of your duty as my host . ’
11 It 's part of my life that is passed and there is no point in hiding it . ’
12 It 's part of my character , it 's who I am and I 'm not gon na hide underneath any wig .
13 It 's part of mu , it 's part of my mum 's Walkman so
14 Now one of the things I think we need to do , And I I I put it in there and it 's pa it 's part of my appraisal system , is to do some work on actually entitlements to training .
15 Bolton , who hoped to marry Nicolette as soon as she divorces co-star Harry Hamlin , says : ‘ My fans love my hair — it 's part of my image .
16 Christine takes her appearance very seriously : ‘ It 's part of my job to look a notch up , a bit glam .
17 ‘ Of course , I go out to give defenders a hard time — it 's part of my job .
18 ‘ Now I have to know what the latest styles are it 's part of my job . ’
19 But few sportsmen or coaches could be more explicit on this point than Haringey 's sprinter John Skeets : ‘ It 's part of our make-up , physically and mentally . ’
20 It 's part of our history .
21 It 's part of our heritage in a way
22 I think it 's part of our nature .
23 It 's part of our thinking not to be on an emotional roller coaster , ’ said Rod Davis , the New Zealand skipper .
24 Lawyers like me have to study people ; it 's part of our job .
25 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
26 Well firstly we need to it it 's part of our training .
27 Erm because it 's part of our training .
28 Twelve and a half million photographs are held in the archives of Popperfoto , the picture agency that 's just moved it 's headquarters into our region .
29 Er , if you 've got DOS Five or Six , then er it does n't say clusters , it says allocation units erm it 's bits of your disk that er been er reserved as unavailable by DOS .
30 It 's peace in our time , as Chamberlain said … ‘
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