Example sentences of "it be [noun] [prep] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's blokes like him who get the National Health Service a good name .
2 I 'm an old hand at Falcon Sailing — it 's thanks to them I know that a holding tank 's nothing to do with the Russians in Prague .
3 Well it 's E times itself nought point three times .
4 No , it 's Serumchromoglycate with it What it What 's it Now we know We know all about that cos we a lot of it in aspirin and problems with noses and things like that , but er I was n't aware that it was actually used by mouth for this .
5 She never forgets that it 's Howard to whom they all owe their place in the new order of things .
6 And only one for Blofeld , saying , ‘ It 's people like you who are ruining the ecological balance of our very planet . ’
7 It 's people like you who are the cynics — ’
8 Although modern haymaking involves expensive , sophisticated machinery , it is still possible for a smallholder to make and store excellent hay with very modest tackle , and it is hay on which he is most likely to depend for the bulk of his winter keep .
9 Most of their neighbours have children , and because all the space around them is spare , it is space over which they have no control , and therefore ca n't use .
10 But if it is work in which we can join , the question needs to be asked : will we respond decisively ?
11 I will reply a little more freely , because you are who you are ; and because it is Gustave of whom I speak .
12 Though Berkeley mentions the scholastics , ‘ those great masters of abstraction ’ , it is Locke on whom he particularly focuses in his criticism of abstract ideas .
13 It is people like him who gave birth to people like Adolf Hitler .
14 People like Mr Falk are trained and I would have thought that it is people like him who should be involved in such programmes .
15 Nor to tell her that it was women like her who prevented girls doing well in sciences .
16 In fact it was papier-mache on which someone had done a skilful paint job .
17 When Gerard Salvin wanted redress against the men who had attacked his house at Croxdale , just a few miles south of Durham itself , it was Gloucester to whom he appealed .
18 When Gerard Salvin wanted redress against the men who had attacked his house at Croxdale , just a few miles south of Durham itself , it was Gloucester to whom he appealed .
19 Nowadays , it was technology without which you would fail .
20 I told him , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) it was people like him who kept the idea of art going , kept the opera houses of the world open , kept the bookshops of the world open , they ought to take you out and shoot you , I said to him .
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