Example sentences of "to [Wh det] they [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It focuses on corporate approaches to managing such staff , e.g. recruitment , selection , appraisal , development , motivation , salary structures , discipline , dismissal and on the characteristics of unions which are recruiting managers , on the extent that managerial unionists experience conflicts of interests between their employer and the union , on the extent to which they tend to be ‘ moderate ’ or ‘ militant ’ and on how managers ' unions relate to other unions .
2 It is a cause of women 's relatively low pay and limits women 's chances by the narrow range of occupations to which they tend to be confined .
3 These two points raise the issue of the extent to which pragmatic interpretation and discourse structure are culture specific , and the extent to which they need to be or can be taught .
4 All of these texts can be read equally well as examples of the récit lacunaire paradigm in poststructuralist criticism , such is the extent to which they seem to be generated by a gap or an absence .
5 Councillors vary tremendously in the extent to which they expect to be involved in day-to-day matters of administration in the authority .
6 Secondly , and perhaps most important , they have claimed that they do not want to hand over control of an income tax to what they perceive to be extremist Labour local authorities .
7 This is a much older problem and one which precedes the rise of environmentalism , because in addition to the environmental lobby the exclusive rights of the farmer have long been under threat from another source — the massed ranks of the urban population , intent on using the countryside as a source of recreation and determined to gain access to what they consider to be semi-public territory .
8 Long experience has , however , shown to me the danger of the good being lost through the devotion of some to what they think to be the best .
9 As was suggested earlier , the arguments put forward both by reformers and their opponents were closely tied to what they considered to be the especially ‘ sensitive ’ position of the ‘ young ’ in modern Britain .
10 Although upper class men varied their clothing rather more , according to what they happened to be doing , for formal public appearances they sometimes wore the toga .
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