Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And she had dragged herself to her feet again and watched as the man called Duvall had sadistically begun to kill the boy who had protected her .
2 The corset buyer got to her feet grimly and picked up the glass of drinking water in front of her .
3 He held the glass to her lips again and watched her while she drank .
4 ‘ People saw politics as adding to their problems rather than solving them .
5 Punishment would consequently also dwindle in importance as the division of labour progresses , and punitive law be replaced by ‘ restitutive law ’ which requires lawbreakers to make reparation to their victims rather than suffer retributive punishment .
6 As a thought struck him he dropped on to his hunkers again and whispered quickly , ‘ They could come in by the far gate and force their way into the back of the crees : they 're only planked . ’
7 He got to his feet again and walked back across Goughdale , pausing at each ruin of a mine building to check if any more entrances to the underground workings remained unblocked .
8 He pushed himself back up on to his feet again and started to stumble across the sand to the village .
9 Plummer got to his feet immediately and walked through into the sitting room to answer it .
10 Howard thinks to himself that he must write to his children tonight and tell them that he has seen his first angels .
11 In this respect , many of us in fact reform and bend English to our needs rather than allow that language to impose itself on our realities .
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