Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 It is hard to describe the feeling I had as I persuaded her scaly old feet on to my finger and gave her a dose of my very own medicine .
2 I tiptoe over to her bed and give her a nudge .
3 Putting the kettle on the gas , she went to her daughter and hugged her tightly .
4 He rolled her on to her back and kissed her , his hand massaging her breast , teasing the nipple into arousal .
5 He might as well get a gun like Denis Hurley 's gun — and put it to her head and shoot her .
6 Her father objected to her poetry and sent her to live with relatives in Shenley , Buckinghamshire , in about 1687 .
7 I was quite open to her presence and accepted her as part of the household and she charmed me very nicely — she was good at that .
8 Any swain within earshot who approves of her scream , and feels similarly inclined , is at liberty to rush to her aid and stop her , which is the sign for other suitors to halt their pursuit and file back to bed again .
9 Craig came to her side and relieved her of the bowl .
10 Giggling — even her mother ! — they undressed her to her shift and set her in the bed , uncomfortably decorated with fruit and sheaves of barley , to await her husband .
11 For more than a year Alexander , at the French King 's request , had been putting discreet pressure on Henry either to return Alice to her father or marry her to Richard .
12 She was desperate to move now , physical awareness returning suddenly to her body and making her realise that she was numb in her left leg and stiff everywhere else .
13 The Sun reported how , after slipping quietly into her bedroom , Fairley leapt on to the bed , held a kitchen knife to her throat and attacked her .
14 The 21-year-old was spending her first night at Sussex University , near Brighton , when she was woken at about 4am by a man who turned on the bedroom light , held a knife to her throat and raped her , before escaping through the open window by which he had entered .
15 On their third date he took her back to his surgery and raped her .
16 Then he led her to his bed and let her sleep , childlike in her position as she sucked her thumb .
17 Noting the gesture , Joseph moved smartly over to his daughter and escorted her back aboard .
18 This stimulates the male to lead her to his nest and show her the entrance by pointing his snout into it .
19 A good number of fabliaux advise the husband simply to accept his inferiority to his wife and to allow her to continue to keep the passage of the world smooth ; at the end of Le Chevalier a la robe vermeille , " The Knight with the scarlet robe " , a husband who has surprised his wife and made the compromising discovery of her lover 's horse and robe is hoodwinked by her , and the tale concludes : ( But he who keeps to the right path should believe fully , without dispute , everything that his wife tells him . )
20 Then he turned to his wife and addressed her in words that cut like a knife .
21 There was an edge to his comment that left her in no doubt that everything she said only confirmed the opinion he already had of her .
22 He went back to his woman and told her ,
23 By an application dated 17 March 1992 the father applied ex parte for an injunction requiring the mother , inter alia , to return the child , A. , to his care and directing her not to remove or attempt to remove the other children , G. , R. and M. from his care without consent .
24 Instead , Orchard had led the girl back to his flat and persuaded her to go in .
25 He went to his mother and gave her a rare kiss .
26 ‘ Oh-Dave-you-silly ! ’ she half-panted , half-laughed , hopping towards him as he retreated , holding her at arm 's length , but did n't finish for he let her catch up , caught all her weight to his body and kissed her passionately .
27 ‘ You could explain to your editor and ask her to find you a collaborator , a ghostwriter . ’
28 He said ‘ goodbye ’ to our neighbour and thanked her for 'everything ’ , and he squeezed her hand .
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