Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 As fast as he undid them I did them up again , so that when he got to my waist and sighed he recoiled with indignation and astonishment to find that his labour had been in vain .
2 ‘ I got on the radio to my controller and told him to call the police quick . ’
3 oh cheerful , well his , his father was a step brother to my dad and do you know , how on earth we 're related I 'll never know
4 It was the reaction to my answers that interested me most .
5 The problem was finally solved by fixing a wire to my ankle and running it under the rock to an aqualunged diver , who on a signal from Stuart would tug on the wire and pull me down with the speed of an express lift , and would let go when my face turned blue .
6 ‘ Anyway , she came to my door and invited me to dinner . ’
7 It 's what you do to my inside that gets me upset . ’
8 It was n't until they made me squat down and then taped my wrists to my ankles and stuck me in a large sack that I accepted that it was n't going to be a truck , but a car-boot move .
9 Had I stuck to my principles or had I simply followed orders ?
10 And with that he bent over and lifted me to my feet and told me to be off , which I did not need to be told twice to do .
11 I jump to my feet and give her a hug , and she pats my back .
12 I got to my feet and helped them , and Nell with teasing amusement watched me fold pink napkins into water lilies and said , ‘ Well , well , hidden depths , ’ and I answered , ‘ You should see my dishwashing , ’ which were the sort of infantile surface remarks of something we both guessed might suddenly become serious .
13 I was too scared to cry out as he hauled me roughly to my feet and shook me violently .
14 Now I must return to my work and leave you to your wanderings . ’
15 To my grief and surprise I found her mind bowed down to the very depths of painful disquietude , unable to realise the presence of her Saviour , and harassed with the fiery darts of the great Enemy …
16 I was terrified , I sat there until my boyfriend came back , I did n't even have enough money for my bus fare or to make a phone call to my brother and ask him to come and pick me up .
17 If you want this constitution ratified I ca n't go back to my people and say you 're giving up all your independence , there 's a new national government which is gon na decide everything .
18 I went to my bosses and told them that , in The Wedding Present , there was another one out of the same rough balloon with the potential to be a long-lasting , album-selling , international act .
19 I thought it might be drugged so I only pretended to drink it , putting the cup to my lips and setting it down again full after an interval .
20 I parried most of them until we got to their door , then I put a finger to my lips and shushed them .
21 Two days before the 1986 meeting I took my starting blocks home to my flat and left them on the kitchen floor .
22 I took Henry back to my flat and asked him to wait outside while I went in to look .
23 You 're afraid I 'll go to my father and tell him — ’ She broke off , staring .
24 Another woman , evidently heavily pregnant , asked simply if there was ‘ any other way to generate electricity that can , by its very nature , potentially reach inside to my foetus and contaminate it before it is born ’ .
25 I returned to my men and told them to unload under some fig trees on the steep river bank .
26 Five men came to my place and beat me up and put the torch to my place .
27 I 'll just nip back to my car and fetch them . ’
28 What I would like to know is : what damage is the soot doing to my fish and do I have just cause to go to the council to get something done about it ?
29 I turned to run but slipped over , and that was too much even for my sister who came to my rescue and dared them to throw any more .
30 This channelled a complete stream of water — and quite cold it was — on to my stomach and woke me up .
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