Example sentences of "to [coord] [vb pp] [prep] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The expert will in most cases want each party to send him a written submission accompanied by copies of the documents referred to or relied on in the submission .
2 The usual method of incorporation is for the exemption terms to be set out in printed conditions which are commonly attached to or referred to in the auction catalogue and copies of which are usually displayed on the premises .
3 ‘ We 're being listened to and referred to by the Water Research Centre , by the Environment Council , by the Royal Yachting Association and by other local MPs .
4 Large numbers of us in this country are getting fed up of being talked down to and dictated to by the existing planning , architectural and development establishment .
5 Clearly , examinations , the way they are perceived , oriented to and drawn upon as a source of professional justification by teachers , are but one source of influence on the continuing pervasiveness of transmission styles of teaching in the school system .
6 The emphasis was now to be increasingly on service , given to and paid for by the state , which assumed the right to appoint its commanders ( this was made easier by the fact that all accepted the state 's money for service in war ) and to demand that it got the best available in return for its money .
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