Example sentences of "to [noun prp] and [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am sure that it is perfectly possible for the hon. Gentleman to make a trip to Barrow-in-Furness and explain to the work force there what useful work is available for them .
2 On Saturday I sat there watching his team lose at home to Chelsea and listening to an Australian Evertonian who was back at Goodison for the first time since he emigrated in 1985 .
3 Fly from Cairo to Aswan and transfer to the Nile Symphony .
4 A general strike by supporters of both sides ( but predominantly Hungarians ) had been called in surrounding regions and the Hungarian Prime Minister Miklós Németh sent a letter of protest to Bucharest and appealed to the UN to intervene .
5 Later John Frith , a Cambridge graduate , became not only his collaborator but his dearest friend ; but Frith was seized whilst on a visit to England and committed to the Tower .
6 ‘ Get him , ’ I said to Curtis and pointed to the stairs .
7 Army Group E had included seven army corps , one of which , the 15 SS Cossack Cavalry Corps , had already broken through to Austria and surrendered to the British .
8 They had then returned to Weymouth and diverted to the crematorium , where Heather had left the car just long enough to take a photograph .
9 Fly to Rangoon and transfer to the Inya Lake or Strand Hotel .
10 We raced down to Bromley and got to the registry office and there was David 's Mum saying , ‘ You 'll be late for your own wedding .
11 ‘ Why do n't you go to Australia and talk to the Vincenti woman before you start bothering us ? ’
12 I had said that we should go to Egypt for this , not believing that the occasion would ever really arise ; that I should be married to Syl and taken to the country in which I had come to life and lost it .
13 Everyone else had gone to Japan and I was still in New York trying desperately to get a visa for Russia but I could n't get one , so I convince Tony deFries that if I went to Japan and went to the Russian Embassy in Tokyo , they 'd be so confused by an American applying for a visa in Tokyo 's Embassy that i could fake it and get one , and he said I was welcome to try .
14 One sign of the importance they attached to this work is that turquoise covered masks featured in the tribute handed to Cortés and transmitted to the emperor Charles V. Some of these passed into the family collection of the Medici and following the dispersal of this the important examples now in the Museum of Mankind passed to the British Museum .
15 The proximity of Tribschen to Basle obviously made contact easier , but it was undoubtedly Nietzsche 's new professional eminence that made it particularly welcome to Wagner and led to a rapid development of the relationship between the two .
16 After a few minutes , she handed him to Joan and agreed to the adoption .
17 Having released thousands of political prisoners , the new government proceeded to re-introduce the educational , religious and agrarian policies of 1931–3 ; in addition autonomy was restored to Catalonia and promised to the Basque Nationalists , whose loyalty to the Republic was thereby secured .
18 Despite Khruschev 's bluster , it did not threaten the existence of West Berlin , but the wall put an end to the unedifying spectacle ( for Communists ) of thousands of East Germans travelling to Berlin and escaping to the West , an exodus underway throughout the 1950s which had seriously threatened East Germany 's political and economic stability .
19 Thus his first action on returning to the Questura the day before had been to send his inspectors out to question the people living in the houses along the road to Cannara and talk to the local farmers , just in case anyone had seen anything .
20 As we looked across the water to Corinth and listened to the haunting bouzouki music I saw why so many people return year after year to Poseidon .
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