Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [conj] he [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas they made it clear to his wife that they would never forsake her , they also made it clear to Tawell that he would never be accepted .
2 ‘ He knows about our flight to Chernay or he will soon .
3 Have you his excuse for not going to Arsenal cos he ca n't handle the tubes .
4 It seemed to Helen that he must surely be aware of them ; if so , they were of no interest whatsoever .
5 — God 's promises to Noah that he would never again send a flood upon the earth ( Genesis 9:9 ) .
6 She hoped to God that he would never have to go back there again .
7 The Sunday Citizen withdrew the allegations , apologised and paid Wigg 's costs in the matter — the settlement was on my advice to Wigg that he could not know what view a jury would take of his actions in relation to Profumo .
8 We keep saying that to Steve if he ca n't figure out something me and Marie look up and say get a fitter !
9 The Geordie who moved from Newcastle to Nottingham so he could regularly fish the Trent is rated by Frank Barlow as one of the country 's best float anglers — and accolades do n't come much higher than that !
10 Based on that I have to give it to Mel cos he could also bend the ball around the wall to score — I never saw Lorimer do that ( he did nt have to ! ) .
11 As the car 's lights disappeared round the corner , it occurred to Charles that he should perhaps have asked the man to wait .
12 While accepting that , I would just like to suggest to Cottee that he will never play for a bigger club than Everton .
13 Colonel Joshua Murchison had always been a tough unyielding man who had made it quite clear to Julie that he would rather she had been a boy .
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