Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [conj] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Delegations from Algeria and Yemen travelled to Moscow but withdrew at the last moment in solidarity with the Palestinian delegation .
2 He did not raise his eyes to Melanie but stared at the backs of his hands .
3 Once , in an idle afternoon when the feeling of uselessness which had lately beset me was particularly strong , I went out to Highgate and walked past the house .
4 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
5 D' ya remember that res , you know when we went to Brussels and stayed above the sort of Indian restaurant ?
6 A general strike by supporters of both sides ( but predominantly Hungarians ) had been called in surrounding regions and the Hungarian Prime Minister Miklós Németh sent a letter of protest to Bucharest and appealed to the UN to intervene .
7 I waved to Toby and went for the door .
8 I could n't stand any more , so I locked myself in my bedroom and in the morning I went to Newhaven and got on the boat .
9 ‘ Get him , ’ I said to Curtis and pointed to the stairs .
10 They went to Chester and wandered round the medieval Rows , then took a rowing boat on the River Dee .
11 From Middleton Bridge we followed the Rawthey to Brigflatts and sat in the garden in the sun , a black tulip growing solitary amongst the mass of wild flowers below one of the windows .
12 Tom handed the reins to Carrie and leaped from the light cart , heading for a nearby cottage .
13 She turned back to Elinor and said in the rather loud , slow , and contrived voice that people use for the deaf , ‘ I 've brought you a surprise , Nell . ’
14 The new mayors were summoned to Amman and reminded of the value of good relations for marketing agricultural produce to Jordan .
15 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
16 Increased Soviet Jewish immigration to Israel that began at the end of 1989 placed a major obstacle in the way of improved relations between Israel and the Soviet Union .
17 Swainson had got to know some of the leading zoologists in London on his return from his voyage , and when writing the scientific descriptions of the birds collected on Franklin 's polar journeys he had gone to Paris and worked in the Museum there .
18 He then knelt and confessed his sin to God and asked for the forgiveness that is in Christ to be his .
19 We raced down to Bromley and got to the registry office and there was David 's Mum saying , ‘ You 'll be late for your own wedding .
20 Jed handed the gun to McGowan and climbed into the driver 's seat .
21 When he sensed that the politicians were afraid enough of the army to come to terms with him ( as they seemed to be after learning that troops based in Algeria had seized control of the island of Corsica on 24 – 25 May ) , he flashed a red light to Algiers and moved on the political front in Paris .
22 Everyone else had gone to Japan and I was still in New York trying desperately to get a visa for Russia but I could n't get one , so I convince Tony deFries that if I went to Japan and went to the Russian Embassy in Tokyo , they 'd be so confused by an American applying for a visa in Tokyo 's Embassy that i could fake it and get one , and he said I was welcome to try .
23 After a few minutes , she handed him to Joan and agreed to the adoption .
24 He went to London and served in the retinues of the great ones .
25 I learned that my parents had got to London and prayed for the day I 'd be able to see them .
26 I stayed on to teach philosophy — you went off to London and disappeared into the Civil Service .
27 Arthur flew to London and stayed in the police morgue a long time with the body that he knew as closely as his own , thinking of Fred 's splendid good nature , his tough-mindedness , and his humour about the absurd and even the terrible .
28 Joseph of Arimathaea , a member of the Sanhedrin who was obviously sympathetic to Jesus ( Matthew claims he had become a secret disciple ) , went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus .
29 As we looked across the water to Corinth and listened to the haunting bouzouki music I saw why so many people return year after year to Poseidon .
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