Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [conj] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We currently transport in the region of 225,000 litres of milk to Manchester every week for distribution as far south as Birmingham and Coventry and to Hull and Grimsby in the east .
2 ( With thanks to Zack and Nancy in the Press Department and to Kodak for all the facilities . )
3 A brilliant New Moon in your sign on May 2 and aspects to Uranus and Neptune in the travel sector of your chart on the 8th and 9th should send your spirits soaring .
4 It was reported that about 20,000 refugees fled to Uganda and Zaïre in the last two weeks of January as a result of the fighting .
5 Haselkorn has argued that the USSR has also established aerial staging networks which were used for the airlift of arms to Angola and Ethiopia in the 1970s and which are of paramount importance for Soviet access strategy in the Third World .
6 The areas with the highest proportions of people of pensionable age are located along the South East coast extending to Dorset and Devon in the west .
7 ‘ You could be competing in the backstroke at Southport , and then have to travel to Cleethorpes or Torquay for the free style or breaststroke .
8 Meanwhile , Azariah had made good in the West Indies , and his grandson , John Frederick , returned to England and Bettiscombe towards the middle of the eighteenth century and became MP for Bridport .
9 Its strategic value lay in its situation , ideal for commercial use of the trade routes to England and France in the west and Russia and Europe to the east .
10 He is to travel to Exeter and Derby in the next two days .
11 It originated in the east and southeast parts of the Netherlands along the three rivers : the Meuse , the Rhine and the Ijssel , whence it spread to sandier areas and to Westphalia , Rhineland , Belgium , Luxembourg , etc. , and to Denmark and Brittany in the 1960s .
12 Their success is with a short-haul freight plane called Skyvan , which is used in many remote areas of the world , with the Shorts 330 small airliner , and with parts for export to Boeing and Lockheed in the USA .
13 Mr Borri recognises the threat posed by the powerful Lombard League , a populist movement which has expanded to embrace most of the Po basin from Venice to Turin and Bologna as the Northern Alliance , or Northern League .
14 MI5 decided to do a trace on pretty well everybody who 'd been to Cambridge and Oxford during the thirties and showed communist sympathies .
15 This time its congratulations to Matthew and Dorothy on the birth of Tobias Matthew , a brother for Rosie .
16 ‘ As a result , Mattel has agreed to drop all outstanding lawsuits relating to Sindy and Barbie around the world . ’
17 And he used to deliver to little shops , little old shops , to Brooke and Woodton on the way home .
18 Tourists in search of a little colonial nostalgia can still go ballroom dancing in the crumbling grandeur of the Eastern & Oriental Hotel or may chance across an ancient guide book : ‘ To Siam and Malaya in the Duke of Sutherland 's Yacht ’ .
19 The lessons learned from the operation of this different way of determining merit will be carefully evaluated to see if it has potential to be applied also to HNCs and HNDs in the future .
20 A BIG thank you must go to Richard Newcombe for all the background work , also to Mike and Avril for the cups of tea and biscuits , to the Nottingham boys and Richard Wildig for their help and to Ron Davies for the use of his barn .
21 Congratulations also to Liz and Phil on the birth of their daughter .
22 In order to answer this last question it is necessary to look briefly at the type of anthropological work available to Marx and Engels at the time they were writing .
23 Sleighthome , Bramley , Bracken , Clarke , Crompton and Ravenscroft had already earned selection for the Student World Cup team in Italy , and to top it all the first three also enjoyed a trip to Namibia and Zimbabwe with the senior North Divisional team !
24 We were driven by ’ Jock ’ to Stapleford and Bassingham on the Upper Witham and we used to take some tremendous catches of big roach and chub .
25 Another source of unwelcome attention came from agency reports of a rumour that the Iraqi president 's family had been packed off to Algeria or Mauritania for the duration of the war .
26 The slowdown in the world economy and higher prices in Eastern Europe because of subsidy cuts have both squeezed demand , and the Gulf crisis accounts for a loss of some 350,000 tonnes of sales to Iraq and Kuwait over the past six months .
27 It was brought to Europe and England in the seventeenth century , arriving on our shores from Holland via the East India Trading Company .
28 ‘ Here , ’ he says , pointing to Europe and America in the north , ‘ you have small problems like sans-papiers . ’
29 Various governments were approached , and in 1871 a top-level delegation was despatched to Europe and America in the hope of substantive negotiation .
30 you can get , get to Harrendle and Peterborough on the bus now
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