Example sentences of "to [det] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 He got Svidrigailov 's nightmare past the censor , and there is a good deal more to that horror than I have quoted ; and ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ could have been got past him too .
2 It is as part answer to that question that I have put forward the notion of language as screen , the dazzling play of words and tones , fragments , sequences , movements this way and that — calls constantly to the eye and ear of the reader .
3 You actually have a sense of style , there are three different sections to that description and you have , and there is actually some repetition involved erm , by by starting each , by by this reference to the sight , the smell , the touch , and you have to , and and that 's the kind of sty stylistic element that you have to incorporate into your version and I put a note at the bottom too , that there are times when you ca n't totally update this kind of work .
4 How could they have known he was going to that cinema when he had n't known himself until he saw the name at the station ?
5 Darwinism was certainly incorporated into the philosophy of progress through struggle , but the Victorians did not turn to that philosophy because they had abandoned all hope that the universe has a moral purpose .
6 But when you 're going to that exit there if you get to that position and you have n't give a sig given a signal , that 's the point , just after the junction there at the point of the junction , to give a left-hand indicator signal , mainly for people waiting there .
7 I think their suggestion was that they had to go via Norwood Gardens because they then turned right at the in and went up into the middle of and it was to get them on to that line that they had to go through .
8 I 'm just wondering if there that 's related to that scripture that I 've just showed you
9 5 The Parties to this Agreement represent to each other that they have approved the terms and conditions of this Agreement and that their respective signatories are duly authorized to bind the respective parties in such terms and conditions .
10 On the one hand , it was simply the period required for the sun , moon , and planets to attain the same positions in relation to each other as they had at a given time .
11 Well she do n't , she has n't got , I mean Lee he can , I mean he 's getting A's in French cos he does n't , he does n't , he did a tape with her did n't he the other day , they actually spoke to each other and they had a conversation
12 We could n't get it forward properly , we could n't pass to each other and they had I think they still only had one chance second half and managed to squeeze it in to get a point .
13 I have in the last couple of lectures erm outlined or tried to outline erm Locke 's basic decision erm his concept of how we as individuals are related to nature , to each other and I 've emphasised the crucial importance of this notion of how we are related to God .
14 He wo n't say anything if he does n't want to — ‘ That 's life , ’ he will shrug , in response to some question that you have built like a house of cards — but if he wants to , he 'll say anything .
15 I have concentrated on the higher forms of life , not only because they are easy to observe but also to some extent because they have greater meaning for our own species .
16 No cold water cos I want to some Ribena before I have a chocolate .
17 I know he 's been doing to this man as he 's gone past so Harry sitting there the not saying you know .
18 Nevertheless , it may well be that such birds are conditioned to this colour and it has been shown that nectar quality can overcome colour prejudice .
19 ‘ We have recently moved to this village and I have never been so bored in all my life .
20 ‘ We were so looking forward to this trip and it 's been awful , ’ Rose whispered , sadly shaking her head .
21 This is the first show of Cooper 's dedicated exclusively to this medium that I have ever seen and it impresses me as providing the ideal means for her to achieve that tenuous balance between coy decorativeness and crude primitiveness which she uses successfully to convey the psychological weight of a figure 's gesture .
22 And I cart a lot of these bricks , fire bricks , up to this land that we 've got and er This was in nineteen thirty seven .
23 There was a special edge to this match because they had beaten us easily in each of our past five encounters and had at first declined a fixture this year .
24 Although we miss George 's presence , and his unfailing good humour , we know that he was looking forward to this wedding and we have fulfilled his hopes and wishes , and in a sense he is with us here today in our memories of him .
25 personally an and from er and the rest and he , he 's gone to this area and he 's looked and he , he 's seen and he may have interpreted this , or wanted to interpret it so that when his report went back that the , he was saying that we must get a move on to the people in the Party saying that we need to get involved now , we need to be in all these areas , we need to be helping things develop and , and being a part at the front .
26 He introduced me to this world that I had never really come across before .
27 ‘ Either we have caught a sickness which is native to this world and we have no immunity against it , or maybe we have brought something with us , and because the air and the temperature are different here , it grows and alters .
28 There was another track after ‘ Happy Hour ’ that we could have put out that probably would have done just as well , but instead we went for a ballad , ‘ Think For A Minute ’ , to make people think , ‘ Jesus , there 's more to this group than I 'd thought ’ .
29 It has no relevance to this debate but it has
30 These authorities , be they judges , constitutional lawyers or senior political scientists , have come to this view as they have been forced to ponder on two things .
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