Example sentences of "to [noun sg] of [vb infin] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You 're going very slowly , I 'll these batteries there 's the problem , there 's little diagram to sort of think about it in terms of water .
2 Erm greeting and appropriate sociability fine , you were a little bit nervous so you tended to sort of talk over me a little bit but that 's not a problem , it probably would n't happen in real life .
3 But Gerry did n't have confidence you see so he used to sort of rely on me to tell , but you will come to the conclusion that if I had would have said Gerry 's workmanship was absolutely superb !
4 Especially if they 've got a logo or something it 's a good way to sort of ask for it .
5 And er he 'd only got to sort of look at you and er that was it .
6 So I 'm inclined to sort of look at it under those , er , within those distances and is there any descent with er Mr 's analysis of his sectors , that they would fit within that er , those general distances ?
7 And as I recall as a child there were well over a hundred ponies down Pit at that time , because during the nineteen twenty one strike they brought them all up to the surface and put them in the fields and I used to go with my father to sort of look after them .
8 Let it get gamey and he 's erm Chinese assistant the person who has been assigned to sort of look after him and do his do his translating and things like that took it down and buried it cause they did n't eat rotten meat they did
9 You s you you 've indicat er you you 've sort of g given an impression that er this er this the centre h depends if you want to get a lot out of it , you 've really got to sort of work at it quite hard to er bring it up to anything together .
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