Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [that] [pron] was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I normally explain to them that I was writing a book about the school and they certainly understood that .
2 I normally explain to them that I was writing a book about the school and they certainly understood that .
3 How to explain to them that he was changed ?
4 ‘ It has no name , ’ Sapan said , ‘ but when I told some other people I brought here that it had no name , they said to me that it was called Narnia . ’
5 It seemed to me that it was wanting in every detail , but the objective facts are that I was five feet two and a half , weighed eight stone five , and had my fair share of acne .
6 It seemed to me that I was watching a play .
7 It suddenly became clear to me that I was assumed to be equally as wilfully ignorant .
8 As I was giving this description it came to me that I was talking about someone else .
9 It seems to me that he was waylaid and killed round about a quarter or half of the hour past six .
10 About a month later , he said to me that he was compelled to agree that the first dinner had not been a success ( his words ) , and would I be kind enough to arrange a second ?
11 And I must also add that I was a trifle put out , and surprised , because it seemed to me that he was turning down a good opportunity .
12 It never occurred to me that he was protecting me .
13 Whatever the cause , she answered his questions evasively and it seemed to me that she was making an impression she did not deserve .
14 The pupils had been going on at me about ‘ You 're always picking on me ’ ' and then finally the boy said to him that he was picking on him because he was black and he said ‘ That just triggered it off ’ .
15 It was now painfully obvious to him that he was dealing with a very fragile mental state , and he did n't want to be responsible for setting it off balance irreparably .
16 One would have thought that the principle of people living in glass houses not throwing stones would have warned Ivan off a career as a journalist , gossip , and so-called satirist , but it did not seem to occur to him that he was asking for trouble of a kind that she knew would cause him the most intimate anguish : but in fact , so appalling were Ivan 's features and physique that comment on them was rare , even his worst enemies ( and he had hundreds ) not considering them fair game .
17 Sometimes 1 would try to withhold my gift of words as the only way I could convey to him that he was withholding something I needed as badly as he needed my poetic ability .
18 He said nothing for a minute or two and told the person next to him that he was having a bad dream when the stranger woke him up .
19 Only now had it occurred to him that it was moving along quite different channels .
20 It did not occur to him that it was following the track of a mole , in the hope of killing it with a blow of its beak and then pulling it out of its shallow run .
21 Anyway , one day he shouted to her that he was taking the bike out , she was in another room doing something , and minutes later he was dead .
22 She had done another paragraph before it occurred to her that he was taking a long time in Georgina 's office .
23 When he spoke , it seemed to her that he was listening to his own thoughts as much as conveying them to her .
24 The mortifying thought occurred to her that he was playing games , that he somehow had telepathic powers and could read every angry , frightened , confused , cowardly thought scurrying through her brain …
25 She had n't thought she would understand what Fand meant ; but after only a moment the sense came to her that she was looking at a prisoner — at someone captive , helpless .
26 Probably never even occurred to her that she was observed .
27 She drove so frantically to begin with that it finally occurred to her that she was running the risk of being stopped for speeding .
28 But Colonel Richardson came between Anna and the tandoori curry powder ; personable , kindly , inflexible Colonel Richardson , who had sat in her insufficiently tidy sitting-room in his beautiful old tweed jacket , and had said to her that she was harming her husband , the community and the Church .
29 And since Ned would also be empowered to put up her rent and see to it that she was refused employment at the Beehive or the Dog and Gun , just where she would go had become a constant , gnawing ache never leaving the back of her mind .
30 And that morning 's takings had trebled and brought her new custom , for he had always seen to it that he was shod well and had good small clothes and shirts .
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