Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [that] [pron] [be] going " in BNC.

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1 I think my relationship is a fairly normal one , but I do find myself bending over backwards not to erm use any of the sort of additional knowledge I have of education , and if there are things going on that perhaps I think that there might be better ways of doing it , then I bend over backwards not to give that kind of impression or to suggest it at all , because it seems to me that it 's going to make the relationship with the school or with the teachers erm a rather awkward one , and I do n't think it will good for my children .
2 ‘ So I 've arranged for a whistle-stop tour around the country houses of some influential contacts , and there are one or two long-standing debts and favours due to me that I 'm going to call in over this weekend . ’
3 All I could do was keep dropping hints , trying to get it through to you that we were going through something incredible together . ’
4 Mr Heseltine has confirmed to us that he is going to talk to the Chancellor on this matter , and I believe he has done so ’ .
5 Gentlemen , it occurs to us that you 're going , we 're going to be waffling on for half an hour plus , in a sense .
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