Example sentences of "to [art] [noun sg] of [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 His Lordship maintained that s14(6) did not alter the law and that " purpose or purposes " referred to the range of uses of the contract goods but not that they had to be fit for all these purposes .
2 There , the emphasis to date has not been on regulation per se , but on building a culture sensitive to the management of conflicts of interest .
3 This well-known adage certainly applies to the rise of J-Boats of Newport , Rhode Island , in the US .
4 Their task was not limited to the granting of coats of arms ; they had to be experts in recognising such armorials to identify both the dead and those who performed noble ( and base ) deeds in war .
5 Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk , who chaired the meeting , announced at a news conference that after several hours of what were reported to be stormy discussions , 20 documents had been signed , notably including an agreement defining the status of the strategic forces and stipulating that their commander was subordinate to the Council of Heads of State and to the C.-in-C. of the joint armed forces of the CIS .
6 Venturi was a university teacher , son of a famous father , Adolpho Venturi , who had made a substantial contribution to the publication of documents of Italian art .
7 In particular , studies of taxonomic botany theses in the UK and elsewhere could lead to the publication of lists of such works .
8 If you send a stamped addressed envelope to The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique ( STAT ) , they will send you a list of teachers in your area .
9 Contact For a list of members , send a large SAE to The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique , 20 London House SW10 9EL ( 071–351 0828 )
10 An important paper was read for her in 1900 to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland by her cousin , Gerard Baldwin Brown [ q.v. ] , and thereafter controversial articles in learned journals culminated in 1912 in the publication by John Murray of The Early Norman Castles of the British Isles , which is still considered a seminal work on the subject .
11 In 1968 , the William Lambarde ( 1536–1601 ) Memorial Fund , was set up by a bequest of the late Mrs M.E. Lambarde , to the Society of Antiquaries of London .
12 A few peaks due to the excitation of overtones of vibrations of lower symmetry ( e.g. 2ν 9 ) can also be seen , but the main feature of the spectrum is a set of progressions in ν 1 , with or without excitation of one of the other a 1g modes .
13 Particular emphasis has been given to the prevention of distortions of competition ( an express treaty objective under Article 3(f) , to justify a very wide use of Article 100 , since it could be argued that any difference between national regulatory frameworks may distort competition in the Community , even in the area of social policy .
14 advising the secretary of state on the selection of buildings for inclusion in the list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest , on the monuments to be added to the schedule of monuments of national importance , and on the designation of areas of archaeological importance ;
15 AI believes that the 1986 law should be reviewed to ensure that it does not lead to the imprisonment of prisoners of conscience .
16 You said that you would refer the matter to the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis .
17 The captain of the second ship liberated his prisoners , some say out of compassion and sympathy for their cause , others say due to the influence of members of the Scottish nobility in London .
18 It was suggested that the new arrangements would also weaken the roles of course teams in institutions , to the benefit of heads of departments and central administrations , and another commentator talked of the danger of increased internal conflict between management and ‘ the grassroots ’ .
19 Liberalism is hostile to the existence of centres of unbridled power , believing that power unless limited and controlled may threaten the liberty and the equality of the individual which are the two fundamental tenets of liberalism itself .
20 Can I just finally say that the whole import of the orders is to ensure that they look at the criteria of authorisation , they are concerned with the authorisation of firms which take public deposits and investments and when that is brought into question , when there is evidence to suggest that those criteria are not being adequately med it must be right to impose a non costly duty on the auditors to bring that about , that is what these orders do tonight , I think they 're an extremely welcome addition to the stable of measures of regulation and they will improve materially depositor protection .
21 Indeed , it would be difficult to imagine a situation in which mutual advantage was not a factor conducive to the development of structures of support .
22 As a contribution to the development of sources of geothermal energy , an attempt is being made to establish credible gas geothermometry for the East African Rift , for conventional models do not appear to be applicable .
23 Clearly this could be very important for it is analogous to the development of inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme , such as captopril , that stop the production of another potent pressor peptide , angiotension II .
24 These have given advice and guidance , and contributed to the construction of items of software .
25 In some ceremonies , an attendant , often male , tore a bough from the shrine-tree to the accompaniment of gestures of lamentation from the priestess and others present ; this over wrought scene , shown on several rings , seems to have symbolized the death of the young god and may conceivably have been followed by the sacrifice of the male attendant who represented him .
26 In Brighton , the Prince Regent 's city , people do not go to bed early , and an observer would have noticed a small group of revellers making its way along the strand to the accompaniment of snatches of song and bursts of loud laughter .
27 Their post-Somerville lives are a testimony to the diversity of interests of our members .
28 The rich variety of geographical environments provides a background to the diversity of ways of life and traditions of the Yugoslav peoples .
29 Another route has led to the formation of bands of close relatives in which only a small number of adults breed and these are assisted by helpers that live communally with them in a group territory .
30 They are limited to the interpretation of provisions of acts of Parliament .
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