Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] and she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She and her detective rushed over to the photographer and she pleaded with him to hand over his film , and tell nothing of what he had seen .
2 She remembered that Ana had told her it was deep right to the edge and she prayed that it was .
3 He put a thin arm around her shoulders , helping her to the door and she leaned against him , feeling the sharp bones under her arm .
4 The slight movements from the recovery cage brought her back to the present and she felt a great sense of relief as she watched the gradual return to consciousness of her patient .
5 She had been walking away from him towards the path that led to the gate and she turned her head and said , ‘ Did n't want to disturb you ; you looked so peaceful , asleep . ’
6 When they had gone she went to the phone and she said , ‘ I must see you .
7 no I ca n't and she would n't get off the phone and I wanted to get to the phone and she said , phone me up Is it all right then , I 'll phone him afterwards !
8 I saw her on the way to the doctors and she 'd thought she 'd got chicken pox .
9 Presently , she grew a little more adjusted to the noise and she began to make out the details a little more plainly ; she could see that the captives were all young men , some of them not much more than boys , but certainly strong and lithe .
10 And she took the skin and she ran down to the shore and she put on the skin , dived back into the sea .
11 He slumped to the floor and she tried to drag him clear .
12 And she sent me down to the Headmistress and she says , ‘ You 've been drinking , have n't you ?
13 An attractive smartly dressed blonde in her forties stepped out of the doorway as my taxi drew to the kerb and she climbed in beside me .
14 For the past few minutes she had not really been paying much attention to the direction and she looked round worriedly .
15 He followed her up to the bar and she heard him noisily latching on to Riley who , she was positive , would not buy him a drink .
16 Gave it to the girl and she went oh erm what 's the credit limit on this ?
17 Gwen Evans wore neither less nor more make-up than most other women in the room , her skirt was by no means the shortest there , her dress zipped up the front right up to the collar and she had a cardigan draped casually over her shoulders .
18 We saved them in a big tin , and when we got to the theatre and she opened it up they were all stuck together in a fluffy lump — pear-drops , and fruit-gums and licorice torpedoes and polo mints , with bits of hair and silver paper and bus tickets sticking out .
19 There were occasions , also , when the assistant on duty would forget the time , and suddenly realise it was two minutes to the hour and she 'd forgotten to do the observation .
20 ( 145 ) I asked if this was because television was causing fewer people to go out to the cinema and she replied no .
21 It had been claimed that Mrs McWilliams had had an allergic reaction to the drugs and she had alleged negligence by the anaesthetist .
22 She said : ‘ I brushed past a girl as I went to the toilet and she yelled I 'd done it deliberately .
23 He had taken her to the woods and she sucked his cock and he screwed her on a bed of moss and soft earth .
24 I rang up after two weeks and I spoke to the nurse and she said , oh , your cholesterol 's alright .
25 She was afraid to look round again , but the other housemaid was ready to carry soup bowls to the table and she had to do the same .
26 I 've talked to the aunt and she 's taken it well .
27 ‘ Aye , except he pointed out that if she was new to the job and she tried to muzzle in around that quarter , the others would soon make short shrift of her .
28 Er she 'd held the girl in conversation at Mansfield er for quite a while and she 's listened to the tape and she 's convinced it 's the same girl .
29 By the middle of the following week , however , she was really missing her trips to the pool and she decided that on Wednesday afternoon , which was one of the afternoons when David was n't at the factory , she would take a chance and go for a swim .
30 He never brought his friends to the house and she had never known where he spent his spare time .
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