Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] into [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But her daughter has been placed into foster care and now the father is making an all-out bid to get legal custody .
2 One of the teacups has been chopped into little pieces but the other still has some water inside , which to me looks redder than it should .
3 Recalling the hybridisation and agit-pop of the early '80s , but infused with '90s spirit , ‘ Revolution Of Thought ’ has been remixed into space-dub shape by underrated twiddlers Llwybr Llaethog .
4 The original impetus of the CRG has been diverted into specific applications .
5 The data in Table 8.1 has been organized into bit-pattern format in Table 8.2 .
6 Balsa wood can also be smoked after it has been broken into little pieces , but some say it is even less rewarding than banana skins .
7 In all these ways the surface has been broken into fine particles .
8 To help each designer in his or her choice , the design folder has been separated into different styles .
9 In ( h ) you will see yellow has been blended into pale lilac and in ( i ) pale lilac has been rubbed into French blue .
10 In livestock projects credit designed for fencing and water supplies has been channelled into domestic buildings , for which similar materials are required .
11 Round about here , the network of caves under the ochreous rocks has been turned into vast champignonnières , and at the modest little Restaurant David ( no relation ) you can eat the local cultivated mushrooms cooked à la crème or à la provençale with , naturally , olive oil , parsley and garlic .
12 Renewals for further periods of three years will not be unreasonably refused where the Data has been incorporated into composite works which the Licensee wishes to maintain . ’
13 People doing certain jobs have characterised themselves — and been characterised — as professions : this concept with all its ideological trappings has been incorporated into sociological analysis so that even its harshest critics are incapable of transcending it , and conduct their discourse in its terms .
14 For once behaviour more typically engaged in by subordinate populations has been incorporated into criminal law , then legally sanctioned punishments can be ‘ justifiably ’ imposed .
15 In the USA some interesting research ( Zuravin and Watson , 1987 ) has been conducted into anonymous reports of child physical abuse , which indicated that reports made by anonymous sources were more likely to be unfounded than reports made by professionals and nonprofessionals .
16 As someone who has been admitted into psychiatric care 16 times in the past 25 years and has usually received acute care in asylum style settings , I shed few tears for the disappearance of these places .
17 The BMC 's ability to negotiate access agreements for the whole climbing community and to enforce their controversial bolting policy has been thrown into stark relief over a small and obscure gritstone crag in the Derbyshire Peak .
18 THE FUTURE of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union has been thrown into serious doubt after Common Market foreign ministers clashed unexpectedly yesterday over the controversial protocol which explicitly blocks Irish women 's EC right to seek abortion overseas .
19 THE ISSUE of awarding banking staff performance-related pay has been thrown into sharp relief by the current controversy over the Royal Bank of Scotland 's ‘ Performance Plus ’ scheme .
20 The former Laird School of Art in Birkenhead the first purpose-built art school in Britain has been transformed into prestigious offices by Stanton Marine , with the help of grants from the City Lands scheme .
21 In ( h ) you will see yellow has been blended into pale lilac and in ( i ) pale lilac has been rubbed into French blue .
22 In some cases , even the notion of ‘ the freedom of the press ’ has been transposed into other contexts and used to defend practices in radio and television .
23 Leopold Stokowski conducts an orchestra which has been divided into individually-miked sections for increased clarity .
24 Because of the emphasis accorded to the influence of Germany in enforcing counter-inflationary discipline , the project seeks to look specifically at how the ‘ German Standard ’ has been imported into other EMS member economies .
25 A study has been commissioned into domiciliary care compared with hospital care in stroke patients , to be undertaken by the department of public health at the United Medical and Dental School .
26 ‘ This has been a live issue for a long time , but it has been brought into sharp relief by the lack of clear guidance on assessment from the DoH , ’ he said .
27 In recent years this has been brought into sharp focus with growing public concern for a healthier and safer environment .
28 The need for irreproachable standards has been brought into sharp focus by the events concerning the Maxwell pension funds , which turned the spotlight on pension funds and the security they provide to members .
29 ‘ By reason of the words published on 17 September 1989 and the words and graph published on 24 September 1989 the plaintiff council has been injured in its credit and reputation and has been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and has suffered loss and damage .
30 It 's natural that Yuri should so enjoy dressing down , when for some much of his life he has been zipped into elaborate Bolshoi costumes , his cheekbones and eyes accented by thick , expertly applied theatrical make-up .
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