Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When buying a property on a registered building estate or other development in respect of which the layout plan has been lodged and officially approved , make your search on Form 94B , when ( unlike other searches against part only of a title ) reference to the approved plan avoids the need to enclose a plan with your search .
2 Since one of her implants ruptured in 1989 she has been disfigured and still has headaches and joint pain .
3 A complete set of software tools to aid the physical mapping of a genome has been developed and successfully applied to the genomic mapping of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe .
4 This last , where a new corporate identity has been developed and recently launched , is particularly important in international markets .
5 Thus lawyer B has been characterised as professionally integrated , although this turned out to be a rather mixed blessing for his clients .
6 The general issue of " racial discrimination " is picked up here , in the idea of " racial stereotyping " ; but the specific issue of Shakespeare 's guilt is not — it has been raised but not dealt with .
7 ( 4 ) ) , and the continuing of the validity of a licence where an application for a renewal has been made but not determined by the licensing board ( subs .
8 Briefly , briefly tonight er Reynolds and Major issued this statement which said all those claiming a serious interest in advancing the cause of peace in Ireland should renounce of or support for violence if and when such a renunciation of violence has been made and sufficiently demonstrated , new doors could open , do you think the I R A might well respond positively to that ?
9 The nonsmoker breathes ‘ sidestream ’ smoke from the burning tip of the cigarette and ‘ mainstream ’ smoke that has been inhaled and then exhaled by the smoker .
10 It requires three visits to a hospital after a woman has been accepted as legally entitled to an abortion — which means she must have the agreement of two doctors and ‘ qualify for ’ the abortion only on certain grounds .
11 Accommodation has been upgraded and specially designed in the Sighthill Bindery to house the filming unit ; further funding is required for staff and running costs before production can begin .
12 Indeed this trend has been maintained and further developed under Grant Related In-Service Training ( GRIST ) .
13 , A leading Brazilian rainforest conservationist , Gumercindo Rodrigues , has been shot and critically injured in the northwestern Amazon .
14 With her first fiction , then , Iris Murdoch joined the ranks of theorists who are part sceptical of theory ; and though her writings never lose the marks of a philosophical training , they suggest a training that has been lived and effectively outlived , a sense of theory turned questioning and whimsical .
15 In liberal democracies , there is , to varying degrees , a functional differentiation between legislative and executive tasks , although this has been seen as increasingly eroded by the growth of executive policy-making powers , whether de facto or statutory , and the emergence of policy-making ‘ communities ’ within the state administration .
16 Bute House , No. 6 , has been reconstructed and beautifully furnished by private donations and gifts as the official residence of the principal Government Minister for Scotland .
17 ( 8 ) Where the prospective parliamentary candidate has been selected and subsequently intimates his or her intention not to stand for parliament in the constituency as the Labour Party candidate at the next election , the procedure set out in section ( 3 ) of this clause shall ( subject to section ( 4 ) of this clause ) be forthwith set in motion again .
18 In some jurisdictions , the immunity has been curtailed but not abolished .
19 I find her difficult to handle and my soundings are that she is deeply unpopular in Fleet St. She is also said to be extremely bitter about the way she has been treated and evidently stands to make millions from various lawsuits .
20 Residential care has been viewed and therefore avoided as something of a last resort .
21 The question whether the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher applies in all its strictness to local authorities has been considered but not decided .
22 If necessary , use an angle-poise lamp to ensure that every hair or piece of fluff has been spotted and then removed .
23 There is a sixteenth-century town hall which has been modernized but still retains its charm .
24 There 're a number of items er , Chair , erm , the brochure has been produced and well received .
25 A bankrupt is automatically discharged three years from the commencement of the bankruptcy unless a certificate for summary administration has been issued and not revoked , in which case the period is two years ( s 279(2) ) .
26 The dominant culture may well be one that has been fostered or actively imposed by the Organisation in the person of its managers .
27 Since the second world war , but especially since the 1960s , the role of ‘ national economies ’ has been undermined or even brought into question by the major transformations in the international division of labour , whose basic units are transnational or multinational enterprises of all sizes , and by the corresponding development of international centres and networks of economic transactions which are , for practical purposes , outside the control of state governments .
28 The client may feel the deal has been negotiated and merely wants the lawyer to tie up the loose ends .
29 For example , it has been suggested that constitutively activated PKC is involved because H-7 , which inhibits the activity of the catalytic subunit , but not sphingosine , which prevents the initial activation of PKC , can depotentiate synapses in a reversible manner even when applied up to 3h after induction .
30 To resist an arrest might also involve an obstruction and an assault , although it has been held that merely pulling away from another is not an assault for the purposes of the offence of assault with intent to resist an arrest .
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