Example sentences of "have [been] [adv] [verb] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Short hair has been elegantly back-combed into this fabulous shape .
2 The case for flexible budgets has been extensively argued by this writer elsewhere ( Cook , 1988 ; Cook & Perrin , 1988 ) .
3 A recent source of data about the ethnic minorities in Britain that has been extensively used in this chapter is Brown ( 1984 ) , which is based on a large-scale survey for the Policy Studies Institute .
4 Aluminium powder has been extensively used in this way ( ‘ silver' paint is a convenient source of sufficiently fine particles ) , particularly in silicone oils and other highly viscous liquids .
5 Lack of breakage , however , only characterizes some of the owl assemblages , but there has been little published on this subject .
6 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
7 This has been specifically granted for this weekend .
8 The recourse to social control measures has been entirely removed from this Act and can now be invoked only under general statute that regulates powers to suspend individual rights ( Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch. s. 1666 ) .
9 The theory of ‘ disengagement ’ promulgated by Cummings and Henry ( 1961 ) has been popularly received in this way .
10 Indeed , one scientist has been so misled by this grammatical similarity as to say that , given appropriate nerve graftings , two people could feel the same pain just as , if they looked in the same direction , they could see the same table .
11 By then , his marriage was under strain , but in any event the family 's way of life would have been greatly changed in this new environment .
12 Nearer the surface , their communications may also have been seriously affected during this century by the low-frequency din of modern shipping .
13 Prospects for its future use will have been considerably enhanced by this initiative , and reflects well on those involved .
14 ( In fact , the corporation had been wrongly reported on this score and had issued no such edict at all . )
15 Sutton had been deeply moved by this compliment .
16 The width had been correctly judged on this occasion ; but the gravediggers had skimped on the length .
17 She and her brothers had always found the idea of ancestral spirits appearing during the Cia ceremony an awesome prospect , but her sense of unease had been greatly heightened on this occasion by the fear of unknown punishments that seemed certain to follow the incident involving her baby gibbon at the governor 's palace .
18 They had been miraculously wafted to this place after days without food or water in an open boat .
19 Now , sixty one of you said you liked it and you 've been meekly listening to this wha er how would you reply to , to all those various views ?
20 Polystyrene , and the acrylic polymers ( such as PMMA ) have been thoroughly studied by this means .
21 Today 's breeds have been largely developed with this trait in mind , with the notable exception of the Basenji which , rather misleadingly , is sometimes described as the barkless dog , although it does have a reasonably extensive vocal range .
22 And I have been particularly inspired by this : I was impressed that many of us say that " Few understand a philosophical rhetor , and many understand rustic speech " .
23 As you know , we have been valiantly battling against this awful proposal for the last two years .
24 Two tables have been specially built for this purpose , allowing a large area of carpet to be viewed under daylight bulbs .
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