Example sentences of "have [indef pn] [adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Maurice Sendak also has a clear idea of his role ( Lorraine , 1977 , p. 152 ) : ‘ To be an illustrator is to be a participant , someone who has something equally important to say as the writer of the book — occasionally something more important , but certainly never the writer 's echo ’ .
2 John Taylor has something extremely important to say about these potential sources of offence : " We may learn to reformulate these irreducible convictions in the light of our dialogue .
3 Most of the time he 'd nothing more serious to worry about than squirrel shit on the seats if ever he left the windows open .
4 ‘ She 'd have had something very sharp to say by now if she was .
5 I know I 've had something quite unique happen to me and I 'm just very glad that I 'm leaving here so well .
6 Sviatoslav Richter ( DG made such a memorable recording of the piece , that others have had an almost impossible act to follow unless they too have had something comparably original to say about the work .
7 This is helping many people see that RE should have something more distinctive to contribute to the values education of pupils than what can happen within the teaching of other subjects .
8 And we hope that you will listen to the criticisms that each of you gives to each of the other groups , and when Bob Satchwell comes that he will have something very positive to say about relationships with the press .
9 Because you 're not , because you 're inside a lot , you do n't have to go out every day , you do n't , you do n't have anything very specific to do at different times during the day .
10 In the end families like the Dersinghams seem to be held upright by the social system without actually having anything very much to contribute to it .
11 ‘ Norma was afraid of having anything too drastic done to her hair , ’ he said .
12 Few seem to have anything remotely interesting to offer on the philosophy , flavours , fads or fancies of their game .
13 Few seem to have anything remotely interesting to offer on the philosophy , flavours , fads or fancies of their game .
14 However , he recognized that the days when he could play the benign ruler , satisfying the grievances of his subjects and punishing guilty lesser officials , were waning — even if he had nothing more positive to put in its place .
15 And I 've nothing too bad to report to you on the buses or trains .
16 I think I left the Bench at least with an impression that they had someone very special to deal with , I was , of course , all the time praying that no one for the police would ask for his Conduct Sheet , which they overlooked after making a dutiful response to the Bench , and I hurried away to be met outside the Court by Stewart , who at once asked me to lend him a pound .
17 None too quietly , he asked the woman if she would mind leaving him alone , just for a while , since he had something more important to do for the minute than listen to her gripes and belly-aching .
18 She had something more important to think about .
19 I told them that I would like an audience with Andropov because I had something very important to discuss with him .
20 When we met I told him that I did not think he had anything more urgent to attend to , and if he thought he had something more important , then his priorities were wrong .
21 If he has been known at all to movie-goers thus far , it 's been as Spike Lee 's cinematographer : even when Lee 's brashness caused you to squirm in your seat , you still have something pretty marvellous to look at , and that 's Ernest Dickerson 's work .
22 ‘ I have something very important to say to you today .
23 Therefore , you have something very special to contribute to the sum of things .
24 For if ‘ good ’ is the label for a property rather than the expression of an impulse why should noting its presence have anything more essential to do with an inclination to promote it , than noting that a wall-paper is blue has to do with choosing it ?
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