Example sentences of "have [not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The company has not yet announced pricing for the service .
2 The increased cost of imports has not yet started to appear in the rate of inflation .
3 Even if Sonauto had not finally decided to stay in racing and Ruggia had spent the summer at home , his contract would have demanded that Sonauto pay his wages for the 1991 season .
4 Brenda had not long come to live in the country .
5 The twenties had not quite started roaring for the Clydesiders .
6 We 've not only got to say to the government , that you 're not coping you 've got to say , if you 're a mother , a worker and a wife , you 've got to say to your husband , look , I 'm not coping .
7 That means you 've not only got to economise in manpower ; you 've got to bring new technology to bear on the problem .
8 My first deadline was the end of last March , and I had n't even started thinking about it by then .
9 I had n't even dared go near Furnival Gardens since I saw my old man for the second rime .
10 The reviewer had n't even bothered to check on basic personal details .
11 Fen had n't even bothered to come with her , Robbie brooded indignantly much later that day .
12 Even allowing for delicious exaggeration it still added up to a horrifying picture and she began to wish she had n't even tried to get into the company .
13 And the fire went straight to a place deep inside her body that she had n't even known existed until this moment .
14 Would I perhaps welcome the security of a helicopter , or welcome the security of waking up in bed to find that it was all a dream and I had n't actually gone hill-walking at all because I had a date with Gerard Depardieu ?
15 Uncle Walter had n't really wanted to part with it .
16 Ethologists have not yet begun to grasp at the crucial characteristic of human beings that tends to invalidate all but the most cautious inferences from other animals to Man .
17 Fertility rates have not yet begun to decline in sub-Saharan Africa , but the report notes that in many African countries demand for contraceptives often exceeds supply .
18 So this article is really a resume of previous thoughts and writings on the subject , except for those who have not yet tried drifting for pike ( are there any ? ) .
19 Does my hon. Friend share with me some anger that 19 Labour authorities still have not even bothered to bid for the funds that are available ?
20 Huge job losses announced in the past week at car giant Ford , where 2,100 workers will be made redundant , and at British Aerospace , which is cutting 2,300 jobs , have not even started to feed into the official figures yet .
21 Other reasons are less obvious , for firms have not merely reacted to change in their external environments ; many have actively sought to create new , internal sources of advantage .
22 Implementation of the Community Care Act is now upon us , yet many organisations have not really begun to explain to potential clients and stakeholders in the wider community exactly what care management is , who care managers are , what they will do , and what a care package can include .
23 In the SAS he undoubtedly learned rather more than that , including the survival skills which he has had to draw on so often in expeditions which have not always gone according to plan.He has been a full-time explorer since he was 25 and ‘ like everybody else , in every career , you do n't retire until you have to , ’ he says.His CV reads like a non-stop Boys Own adventure — shooting up the White Nile in a hovercraft , parachuting on to the Jostedalsbre Glacier and negotiating more than 4,000 miles of Canadian and Alaskan rivers.Between 1979 and 1982 , he circumnavigated the world on the Transglobe Expedition , becoming one of the first men ever to reach both the North and South Poles overland .
24 Competition is so great between the two giants of the industry ( and I have n't even begun to think about Unix and the Mac operating system , never mind the combined IBM/Apple OS ) that , behind the hype ( of which I predict there will be much ) there will be a rock solid operating system developed , and it will be just what the doctor ordered .
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