Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [adv prt] on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This time bomb is ticking away , colleagues , and in about twenty years ' time , we 'll be back to where we were we 'll have a lot of people who 've got small pensions , based on their previous employment with a health authority or a local authority , British Gas or the electricity companies then they 've had to go out on the open market and they will be under-funded and have inadequate pension when they retire .
2 Unless you take a different view , our own preference would be to pursue the question of a travelling display as actively as we can , recognising , however , that if it does not prove feasible for reasons of finance and other resources to mount such a display in the foreseeable future we may have to fall back on the reduced-size Barrel Vault display .
3 Thus , we would have to fall back on the anthropic principle to explain why the electron has the mass and charge that it does .
4 The broader track from the Horse Fair was better for riding ; he would not have to pass by on the narrow path where he had stumbled over Aldhelm 's body .
5 Mature students with young families , who are on their own financially and are burdened with the heaviest of financial commitments , are having to scrape by on an inadequate student grant and an even more inadequate student loan .
6 All UI members — including SunSoft — will have to sign off on the new document , now in draft form , before it can be published .
7 Queen Victoria went there for the first , very influential time in 1889 , though even before that the surprisingly large English community in Pau had begun to colonize it , to such an extent that by the 1870s not only did the Church of England have congregations in Biarritz but they were already schismatic and the Archbishop of Canterbury had to travel out on a pastoral visit to try and stifle the factionalism .
8 You know so you have to reach out on a daily basis for these gifts .
9 In reality it becomes almost impossible to find this amount in the budget , and projects have to limp along on an underfunded basis or with the overseas donor financing an increasing proportion of the total costs .
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