Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [adv] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Tell me darling , what have you really had to eat today while I 've been away ?
2 anyhow that made me feel there was no future in Plymouth for that , so this opportunity came , I came and when I got here they did n't carry any sergeants so I would of had to move again if I wanted promotion , which I was n't prepared to do for this , mainly for his education , unfortunately the
3 Both for not being prepared , not giving the opening of this course the importance that it did deserve , and obviously for the embarrassment that er you must have felt having to sit there while I made a total fool of myself .
4 well you do n't have to have any but I do n't see why I should do without because you do n't want any
5 ‘ Well , you 'll have to stay here while I dash home and get my wellingtons … ’
6 ‘ When I was offered a place I was so pleased I did n't have to think twice before I accepted . ’
7 ‘ She will have to say so before I take her back . ’
8 ‘ I was kicked out by my landlord and put in this hostel which was just awful and I had to get away so I came here — I do n't know why , really , I … ’
9 but , with , with this walk down into this , this dip so I had to get underneath and I said where 'd you park ? and he said the second floor taking the piss , so apparently three of his other mates who were well dressed up as well , and he , he said race ya , so I started off fucking , so he , he started off running through the thing right , cos said race yeah , he went , apparently I just climbed up the outside of the building climbed up two fucking flights of floors , you know , I ca n't remember anything about it though .
10 But the two struggles , for national liberation and against patriarchy , have to go together and I think that 's what went wrong in Ireland , when we got our pseudo independence .
11 yeah , aha , cos you have to concentrate constantly and I think it really is a lot of work involved in it
12 They called the film they made about me Too Long a Winter , and I have to declare immediately that I do not care for winter at all , for neither mind nor body agrees with it .
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