Example sentences of "have [vb pp] for [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The move , by the new coalition of Liberals and Christian Democrats , satisfies the Dutch confederation of industry , which has lobbied for more support for industrial R&D and innovations .
2 Perhaps the time has come for another name to be engraved on the trophies .
3 In the National Health Service the local element in policymaking has been weakened as the government has pushed for greater accountability of regional bodies to central government .
4 He has prepared for civilian life by going on a butcher 's course .
5 She has argued for more competition in state lottery tenders .
6 He has appealed for more vigilance by staff in shops and offices to stop ‘ sneak-in ’ thieves who steal bags , purses and wallets during the working day .
7 The organisation has called for international pressure to be brought to end the trade in South Korea , Taiwan , China and Thailand , where horn is sold openly .
8 A coroner has called for tighter security at a psychiatric hospital , after a patient walked out of a locked ward and was killed by a train on nearby railway tracks .
9 The former U.S. President Ronald Reagan has called for military intervention by NATO to end the fighting in Bosnia .
10 Victim Support Patron HRH The Princess Royal has called for more help to be offered to victims of crime .
11 The Dalai Lama , who fled to exile in India after a failed uprising in 1959 , has called for Tibetan autonomy over domestic affairs , with China retaining control over military and diplomatic affairs .
12 English Nature , the statutory body advising the government on environmental issues , has called for improved protection of marine wildlife in 27 environmentally sensitive areas of coastline .
13 AN MP has called for improved security at a school following a spate of vandalism .
14 Although much recent work ( Maos , 1983 , 47 ) confirms that ‘ the efficiency of services is higher in concentrated settlement patterns and can be further improved by the transfer of service functions from lower to higher ranking centres ’ , some recent work has called for less emphasis to be placed on the economic evaluation of service provision .
15 Conservator Nathan Stolow , who contributed a chapter to the National Gallery 's own guide to art transport , has called for public accounting of the way in which the paintings were prepared and restored for travel and attacked the National Gallery for creating an exhibition advisory committee composed of officials from the tour 's participating institutions .
16 A feature of the role has been the opportunity it has provided for closer liaison between the Catholic Education Commission and the Department of Education .
17 He has opted for this solution to the problem of his masterpieces in storage .
18 Will he also recognise that I have never believed that there are no Tories in Scotland , for one Tory has spoken for Conservative respectability in Scotland , and he is the hon. Member for Dumfries ( Sir H. Monro ) ?
19 No more representative body could be collected than that which at Milan has declared for oral teaching of the deaf — and nothing but oral teaching …
20 Fears focused on the £50 billion borrowing requirement for 1993-94 and the narrowness of the window the Chancellor has left for economic recovery in the next 12 months before he begins tightening the tax screw in earnest .
21 Perhaps it is the habitual leader of the group or perhaps the leader has arisen for that meeting on that topic .
22 Doctors at a Bristol hospital said today , they 'd called for more research following two cases there in which mothers had used water baths in the early stages of labour .
23 Geoff Tulloch got hold of the idea that she 'd worked for some corporation in Detroit for a year .
24 Could not he have arranged for that report to be leaked to the hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) , because that might have prevented the hon. Gentleman from making the foolish pledge that Labour will abolish the excellent reforms ?
25 The range of political institutions and objectives is well discussed , although one could have wished for more emphasis to be placed on European Community matters and where they may lead us .
26 One would have wished for some recognition of the fact that a view of Co-operation which limits it almost wholly to the Consumers ' Movement and is satisfied with that limitation , is at least to be regretted .
27 to forty or lower , I would have thought for this sort of plan , the majority .
28 Having gorged for some time on the sweet taste of the ‘ knowledge ’ available from large British institutions , those trained in the ‘ Fine Arts ’ emit an acrid belch of superiority on the subject of their craft .
29 AFTER having played for one season under the new laws governing the U19 games , I would like to say how disappointing the season was .
30 He may have asked for Norman help against his enemies in 1009 , and a continental source records that he at some point appealed to the French monarch Robert the Pious for assistance , conceivably in the hope that he could exert pressure on the Normans .
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