Example sentences of "have [vb pp] to be [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Unofficial EC estimates suggest that provision has had to be made for about £2 billion in the £28 billion borrowing requirement for 1992–93 as a result of the policy shift .
2 Post-school education for young people with disabilities and learning difficulties has had to be fought for .
3 It remains to be seen just how much public money has had to be promised for the Heathrow to central London fast rail link to break the deadlock between airports operator BAA and British Rail .
4 ‘ Although it is argued that fear of punitive jury awards has made the US business safety-conscious , quite a price has had to be paid for that by way of corporate and insurance company bankruptcy , the closing of municipal facilities and the practice of defensive medicine . ’
5 This represents income ( including profit ) of £11 for the mill — remember that £10 has had to be paid for the raw wool .
6 ‘ Bridges would have had to be checked for strength , police escorts arranged , heavy-lift vehicles hired , local authorities notified .
7 This would have been very difficult , because the site is on a low hill and some means would have had to be found for overcoming the unfavourable gradients ; a siphon effect has been suggested , but that would have involved making the whole length of piping airtight , which seems scarcely credible .
8 To someone living in Sao Paulo he would have appeared to be crying for no reason at all .
9 Addressing the Boys ' Brigade that very Sunday , the Rev. Johnston McKay told them of the lady who , surprised by the sum raised for the clock she had given to be sold for church funds , exclaimed that she did not know she had so much to give .
10 However , neither of us had expected to be arrested for behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace ’ if we attempted to get on the water above the falls ; we 'd blown it !
11 As a result , the key to the meaning of Jesus had come to be looked for , not in supernatural accreditation by miracles , but in his personality , his consciousness of God , his teaching and his impact upon his followers .
12 And that is why , as Mr said , I think they ought to be allowed to produce some sort of advertising pamphlet , and get their act together , because if they 're going to go and compete out there they 've got to be prepared for it , and we 've got to allow them to give a decent presentation , at least have a decent glossy brochure to push round , so at least they can say what they do , because they will never compete when they are privatised unless they get it .
13 This can mean , in effect , that you 've got to be licensed for as many copies as you have machines .
14 This is the kind of thing you 've got to be looking for and thirty three percent off
15 The only human thing that anybody whispered of him was that his wife , the daughter of the Eighth Earl de la Warr , had had to be divorced for granting bedroom favours to another .
16 It had got to be worked for .
17 Aylwin , however , stated that he did not wish to accept such an offer , nor did he feel that it was justified , given that he had agreed to be elected for a four-year period and that to alter the term of office ( by amending the Constitution ) " would be to change the rules of play of our democratic co-existence " .
18 The Benetton test job had appeared to be destined for fellow-Scot David Coulthard but he , apparently , has recently been approached by Frank Williams to take over from Hill .
19 A two-in-hand waiting opposite , which Lefevre had assumed to be plying for hire , trotted sedately up to the stage door .
20 June , too , had wanted to be noticed for herself and not just for fading to attain impossibly high standards .
21 Preliminary work had also been done during the war on the ideas for the social security scheme , and plans had begun to be drafted for a national health service .
22 Former DN member Gen. Humberto Ortega Saavedra , the current C.-in-C. of the re-formed Armed Forces , had declined to be renominated for the leadership , claiming that his national responsibilities obliged him to abandon his previous FSLN posts .
23 In this presentation , Jeremy Rivers reviews the traditional use of computers in enterprises where they have tended to be used for large weekly or monthly batched jobs , such as stock control , invoicing or payroll .
24 But exceptions have had to be made for words like prie-Dieu ( prayer-stool ) , which will remain without an x in the plural so as to avoid blasphemous implications .
25 Pending the finalisation of the selection scheme additional applications have had to be made for approval of an interim scheme for entry in 1992/93 and a developed scheme for 1993/94 .
26 The number of people so disabled by their distress that they have had to be cared for in institutions is relatively small .
27 Dusty samples have had to be unearthed for his refreshment .
28 One of the problems is the way hospitals have had to be adapted for modern medical practice — often in the quickest and cheapest manner .
29 Physical access to the building where Leisure Choice is based is difficult ; other buildings have had to be used for our meetings .
30 it 's got to be done for safety purposes , please , for the infants .
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