Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 You and your horsemen will be facing four times your numbers by the time the foot-army from Leven has joined up with the eleven hundred from the ships .
2 The relentless pace of internationalisation in the economy has speeded up in the 1980s .
3 There is some evidence that the rate of increase has slowed down in the 1980s , but there still were more than 160,000 divorces in 1985 .
4 Now £6 million of the Salvation Army 's £7 million has disappeared along with the two men .
5 From then on there was a sustained increase in output and productivity , which has continued through to the 1980s .
6 Eddie Owen has signed up for the 1991 season with the Japanese and will sail aboard the 50-footer Will at the Key West and Miami 50ft regattas as tactician for Terry Neilson .
7 Not one student has signed up for the ten weekly lectures under the title Margaret Thatcher — Fact Or Fiction .
8 Pete , thinking of the Venetz sisters ' reputation for efficiency and attention to detail , asked her if she 'd hit any problems over having no social security records or documentation ; she currently had the status of an illegal immigrant , after all , and had even dumped her hot French passport as she 'd walked out of the 78 air terminal .
9 He 'd begun back in the fifties as a prison officer .
10 The Emir Bashir the Third , who ruled Mount Lebanon for the Sublime Porte in Istanbul , had been unable to contain the bitter disputes which had broken out between the two communities .
11 The revolution in New Testament scholarship which had come about during the hundred years before he wrote The Problem of Pain appears to have passed him by .
12 Many of the older people found it difficult to throw off the ‘ criminal , associations which had carried over from the fifties and sixties .
13 Essentially , there had grown up in the 1930s a system of subsidies which enabled milk to be bought cheaply by local education authorities for distribution ( free or at minimal cost ) to children .
14 A weighty body of objective opinion — of HMI , teachers , academics and local authorities — had built up during the 1970s to support the common-sense view that a pupil leaving school aged sixteen at the youngest should be prepared for the responsibilities and opportunities associated with the age of majority which he or she would attain no more than two years later .
15 Now the last person I had moved on to the hundreds had enormous problems with the stickiness of them .
16 But the old pub had burnt down in the 1960s and been replaced by a more profitable and thrusting enterprise .
17 Part of this represented a disquieting pattern which had set in since the 1960s ( see Table 2.3 ) .
18 Right , and the background to that of course is , for those of you who may not know , Bullett was I suppose a more junior person in the State Department , when he went to Europe with Woodrow Wilson in nineteen eighteen , and nineteen whenever it was for a peace conference , and Bullett was the only one of the American delegation who resigned and confronted Wilson and said , look , you 've gone back on the fourteen points , you 're not doing what you said you would do .
19 He had thought Lehmann had died intestate that his vast fortune had gone back to the Seven .
20 Thus was sexual liberation defined by an almost exclusively male heterosexual group , drawing on old subversions — Dada , Surrealism , Beat , Situationism — diffused through the mass-market expansion into commercial sex that Playboy had pioneered back in the 1950s .
21 It 's stayed around about the eight just over eight percent , there has n't , there has n't been much movement .
22 But none of these volunteers has yet come from those screened out — only 27 have volunteered out of the 4,000 who have gone through the process and been found not to be refugees , ’ he told the Sunday Express .
23 Exports to China have slipped down to the 1987 levels after an artificial high in 1988 caused by the coincidence of a number of major orders .
24 As the recession 's gone on through the eighties and enters the nineties , we can see that the number of single households , households with just one person , is increasing rapidly .
25 Geoff 's greased up to the nines after putting on a eig eight tonne of Oil of Ulay
26 More than 120 people have signed up for the six courses and a regular programme of similar events is now likely to be organised at the Wivenhoe Park campus , near Colchester .
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