Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [conj] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is all grist to the mill of those who like to argue that Japan has succeeded because it works by different rules from those in the West .
2 What is more , careful examination of its proportions has revealed that it belonged to precisely the same species of cat that was later domesticated in Egypt .
3 It is true that headline inflation has reduced since it peaked in 1982 with the infamous ‘ gotcha ’ .
4 The lonely inn at Cluanie has prospered since it served as a beerhouse for itinerant and infrequent travellers and today is a compulsive stop for cars and coaches .
5 But as Ken Goodwin reports , nothing much has changed when it comes to how children choose to spend their cash .
6 Once the party seeking the protection of the exclusion clause has established that it applies to the type of breach in question , and the cause from which the breach arose , he th en has to satisfy the court of its reasonableness under s 3 .
7 D. B. MacDonald has speculated on the difficult question of the origin of this view in Islam and has suggested that it arose from a Muslim heresy ‘ in that dark but intense period of theological and intellectual development which stretched from the death of Muhammad for at least two and a half centuries ’ .
8 This dynamic could not indeed have developed as it did without the very considerable influence behind the scenes , particularly in the preparation of documents between sessions , of leading consultants whose theology was indeed far beyond that of any but a handful of bishops : Congar , Rahner , Philips , Chenu , Courtney Murray among others .
9 Bill feels that the recruitment campaign will have succeeded if it results in a significant increase of women applying to become firefighters .
10 But he may have waited until it began to be dusk .
11 She was more scratched than she had realised and it felt as if every small insect in the wood had landed in her hair .
12 More than half thought the school had explained but it seemed to be in the past , a one-off opportunity and not an on-going process .
13 I do n't need to erm elaborate much more Okay , the give it , give it a mechanical structure , well that does n't necessarily apply to some of the things that we 've done but it does to other parts and if you 're gon na discuss somebody 's model , think about it in the real world .
14 That I 've done what I 've done because it seemed to me right , not because I wanted to spite him . ’
15 He 'd caught a glimpse of the two of them reflected in the hall mirror and his heart had lurched because it looked as if he was propping up a corpse .
16 Opponents of the bill had argued that it amounted to " retroactive justice " by declaring illegal acts committed in another country and allowing the prosecution of people for offences committed before they became British citizens or residents .
17 Residents in nearby villages had watched as it plummeted to the ground , frighteningly near their homes .
18 Johnson also read a little — in his room he had works by his erstwhile host Lord Monboddo , and Laurence Sterne 's Sermons of Mr Yorick ( interestingly , Boswell does not give the full title , merely calling it Sermons , a deference perhaps to the scandal the book had caused when it appeared in 1760 ) .
19 Cardinal Tisserant suddenly announced that further voting on religious liberty would be postponed until the next session , claiming the document now before the Council was so different from what had gone before it needed to be debated all over again .
20 She said Thresher was aware of the receipt for £18.37 and had established that it belonged to another customer .
21 Hill and Whitlow taking a few chances in their own half and finally Whitlow 's dispossessed and it comes to Collimore .
22 This , by the way , is the first Macintosh package we have met where it has to be installed by a loader program .
23 Any such claim would therefore have to be framed in terms of the interest theory ; yet , as even the advocates of such an approach admit ( Campbell , 1985 , p. 20 ) this involves open-ended and controversial issues as to which interests deserve protection , and some have argued that it leads to a disintegration of any distinctive or effective notion of a right ( Simmonds , 1985 ) .
24 He 's got and it turns into one of those little you know turtles kids like .
25 All three of them have produced when it comes to ‘ bottom line ’ basics which is why they all now appear in their respective sides automatically .
26 Although the role of vitamin E in nerve function is unknown , Diplock and Lucy from the Royal Free Hospital Medical school have suggested that it acts as an anti-oxidant and protects the membrane of the cell by mopping up reactive free radicals .
27 I have suggested that it enters into some kind of relationship with words and contexts .
28 You may have heard of a technique called ‘ path analysis ’ and have wondered if it referred to the methods discussed in this chapter .
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