Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here , black has come up from the streets and into the drawing room ; overleaf , neutral tones assert themselves .
2 Once a call has come through from the police the team initiates a ‘ cascade call ’ system where say , one person is responsible for telephoning six other team members .
3 Margery 's conversation with her husband when she has come home from the Exhibition
4 Apart from the Head Chef , who is 53 , opposition has come mainly from the Accommodation Manager , who is unqualified but very experienced : he believes that the old ways are the best ways and has generally received the support of his department heads , who owe their positions to him .
5 We do not sufficiently realise that we are no longer discussing a treaty that , like a tree , has grown only from the trunk of the European Commission , the European Parliament and the treaty of Rome .
6 He has seen right from the start that the majority of Germans wanted unification and that the pace of events was dictating a much more rapid move towards unification than most people , either inside , and certainly on the outside , had realised , and he put all his authority into the campaign , campaigned extremely effectively and has had a ringing endorsement .
7 The great Dust Bowl which Maggie has seen only from the air , was once the long flank , the turning of the armpit of a dragon greater than Fenna , the great dragon laid out across the world its tail cooled by the oceans of the Antarctic and its breath , no longer fire , turned to ice around its head in the most northerly places of the globe .
8 His job is rated Grade B on the Civil Service Scale , so he is on £31,747 a year — a figure that has risen dramatically from the £21,000 he started on in February 1989 .
9 It certainly was a disgusting display from a man who has bowed out from the game very publicly .
10 MALHAM village is one of the " honeypots " of the Dales and , to some extent because of this , it has suffered badly from the effects of visitor pressure .
11 In fact the Colosseum has suffered less from the depredations of the barbarians and the weathering of time than from its use in the Middle Ages as a fortress and later as a quarry by Renaissance builders ( 91 and 121 ) .
12 ‘ The cannabis field has moved away from the drug abuse side of things .
13 At the West end of the Church a beam has moved away from the wall by nine inches .
14 In recent years emphasis has moved away from the teaching of ‘ craft ’ skills such as cookery and sewing towards the development of a range of practical and organisational skills which will enable young people to cope with the demands of living in constantly changing social and economic conditions .
15 It has been said that ‘ … during the last forty years the United Kingdom has moved away from the nationality citizenship model ’ .
16 Under the present director , Geoffrey Morgan , a soft-spoken Welshman whose main outside interest is silkworms , the list of names has moved away from the Reform Club and further out into Middle England , although it is still a very long way short of representing a cross-section of the population .
17 Mrs Brown , 35 , has since made a full recovery but was unable to attend the ceremony because she has moved away from the area .
18 Mrs Brooks , forty-three , has moved up from the role of president of US operations to overall president and chief executive officer of the company , a newly created post .
19 It is undoubtedly a good thing that royal reporting has moved on from the tradition of deferential reverence in which James Whitaker first learned his trade .
20 Verily , the game has moved on from the days when Bobby Locke could , for instance , win seven tournaments in his baptismal year on the US circuit , and four Open Championships on this side of the Atlantic , and yet virtually never feel the need to depart from his habitual draw .
21 In just a year , Barratt 's has turned round from a £106 million loss to an £11,300,000 profit .
22 Anyone who has visited a newspaper office in the last five years with expectations from cinematic memories of Citizen Kane or who has struggled back from the newsagent on a Sunday morning with a sample of what is laughably offered as a ‘ leisurely read ’ will know that much has changed .
23 Can I just say , first of all , that I am the odd-speaker out in this gathering because virtually everyone else who has addressed you has done so from the point of view of their own particular expertise and occupation and those of you who know health councils will appreciate that they tend to take a pretty robust view of private care as it impinges on anything to do with health .
24 It has sought little from the companies it nationalised in 1982 .
25 This is afterwards , when he has got up from the couch , when he 's making a date for the next appointment and putting on his overcoat in the hall , returning to his ordinary guarded self before he walks out on to the street .
26 ‘ Look , lady , nothing about you has measured up from the beginning .
27 Such successful companies as Nalco , in the USA , and some of the companies that ICI has bought recently from the Beatrice group , in the speciality field , discovered this secret many years ago .
28 After a few hours ' driving , we stop by a small lake brimming with clear water which has tumbled down from the escarpment through dense forest .
29 If the sponge part has worn down ( it should be nice and springy and approximately one centimetre deep all the way along ) , or if the foam has worn away from the metal piece holding it , you need a new one .
30 Hollow areas , where rendering has blistered away from the wall , are also prone to damp
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