Example sentences of "have [pers pn] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The first location has you trapped in a lonely , deserted pub called ‘ The Nobody Inn ’ where you meet a depressed dragon who complains there are n't any virgins to kidnap these days … ( except Phil King of course , heh , heh ! )
2 The ‘ plot ’ has him searching for the lost chord , which is about as banal as you can get , but the contributors look interesting George Harrison , Charlie Rich , Betty Wright , John Sebastian , Rufus Thomas and Billy Swan are among them .
3 John 's wife Clare has to stand outside the stable on a crate with Milton 's tail over the top of the stable door and pull it from there , while John has him twitched at the front end .
4 Grandmother Margot 's pacemaker explodes in the crematorium oven , a minor atomic blast in a country trying to go non-nuclear ; a local urchin loses an eye in a fight at the cousin Urvill 's restored castle ( and has it replaced with an artificial one cast at the McHoans ' Gallansch glass works ) ; Rory and brother-in-law Fergus pass a nightmare night in a hill-top bothy with cannabis , whisky , a rat , two guns and one shattering revelation as props .
5 Has he applied for the same thing ?
6 Has he acted in a strange manner recently ? ’
7 Now Paul this is what I 've found out since you see , Paul erm said to them , Why suddenly this ? and he says , Oh we 've actually had them printed for the last two years but we 've never had the time to give them out .
8 She had had him pegged as an emotional lightweight , probably good at his job in a technical sense but untroubled by messy feelings .
9 Even is these ‘ broadening ’ elements are not a formal part of an SVQ programme , candidates taking these modules will have them credited alongside the occupational SVQ units and modules on their Records of Education and Training .
10 They might have them frozen in the frozen bit , frozen gateaux and stuff
11 Once fish become totally preoccupied , to the extent that they will ignore all other baits , including natural food , they become so intent on feeding they also become almost oblivious to many of the danger signals , i.e. noise and the disturbance of hooked shoal-mates , that would normally have them scuttling to the four corners of the pool .
12 The acquisition of grave-clothes did not need to wait until death , and many a young bride-to-be , especially in the more remote country areas , included such items in their trousseaus , either buying them ready-made from one of the known outlets , or having them made by a local seamstress , or producing them herself .
13 But he was overruled by the others ; one judge said ‘ you had better appoint them judges ; and then I will retire , because I see no use in having them to act in the same capacity in which we are acting ourselves ’ .
14 There is also a far greater chance of tackling the issues the schools feels are important and not having them lost in the large number of demands from outside .
15 If you are running a rally aimed at inspiring and motivating people , do n't start by having them arrive in a strange city to find the car park full , the nearest suitable alternative two miles away and no taxis available because it 's Sunday evening and pouring with rain .
16 The astonishing image manipulation routines will have you drawing until the early hours , we have already used it to manipulate some of the pictures shown in this section .
17 In fact , the point of having him played by a 6-foot 10inch ( 2.1-m ) Nigerian student , Bolaji Badejo , plus a rather less tall stuntman , was largely lost .
18 Deeply as she disliked and distrusted the actress , she still was n't certain just how Dane felt about her , and she was n't about to pin her own colours to the mast and risk having him leap to the other woman 's defence .
19 Some time later a creditor did succeed in having him removed to a sponging house , where friends subscribed £500 to make life more bearable for him .
20 Ultimately , he says , he opposed it since it would mean terminating the 386BSD project , an action CSRG has taken , as well as having him renege on a published promise to produce freely accessible 386 code .
21 Yeah she had it , she was just going into theatre at the end of the programme , she was having it done for the fourth time
22 Having it spread around the Mediterranean that I 'm another of Nathan Bryce 's bimbos was not part of the deal .
23 Either you have lost the letter or you did n't have it to lose in the first place , in which case the king never gave it to you , i which case he gave it to me , in which case I would have put it into my inside top pocket in which case ( Calmly producing the letter ) … it will be … here .
24 One way of preventing piglets picking things up is to have them born into a sterile bubble , and reared in squeaky-clean rooms .
25 Perhaps they are sheepish about the efficiency or integrity of their testing systems , and unwilling to have them exposed to the public scrutiny that would follow if the banned athletes chose to take the matter further in law .
26 ‘ You write the specifications for her repairs , and I 'll guarantee to have them done at the best boatyard in America . ’
27 'E said ter me , ‘ What 'ave yer done in the past year ? ’ an' I said , ‘ Nuffink . ’
28 ‘ There is no rift between Liam Brady and myself , ’ said Grant , the youngest member of Celtic 's seven-man board , who last season survived an attempt by fellow directors to have him removed at a special general meeting .
29 ‘ I have felt for a long time that the only way this issue was going to be resolved was to have it fixed on a political level — that it would n't just fade away .
30 What the hell did I get it for — to have it sit on the fucking shelf ?
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