Example sentences of "have [adv] been [adj] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As an electronic medium using the airwaves , TV has necessarily been subject to governmental and inter-governmental controls on the frequencies that may be used and the coverage allowed to each transmitter .
2 As a result of investigating unsolved problems in biology , including how a seed or egg can contain the essence which grows into the new individual member of the same species , he postulated ( something which has long been familiar to those with a spiritual or esoteric background ) the existence of what must , by implication , be a non-physical mould or pattern , what he calls a ‘ morphogenetic field ’ , which survives the death of the physical form , and which shapes the individual tree , animal and flower of each species , just as the individual field around a magnet can create a pattern in a scatter of iron filings .
3 The function of the Petit Meslier has thus been similar to that of the Petit Verdot in Bordeaux .
4 The survival of the historical record has always been subject to natural and man-made forces .
5 Despite the inherent difficulties in comparative work it has been argued that an international perspective has always been implicit to some extent in the study of industrial relations .
6 Yet Christianity is a religion that has always been open to rational criticism when its critics have been granted the freedom to make their challenge known .
7 The notion that ‘ primitive ’ societies classify and organise their intellectual world simply in terms of their crude ‘ needs ’ , which Goody derives from Malinowski and uses to further characterise ‘ oral ’ societies , has also been subject to some radical revision in recent years .
8 And though they too set social connection and sporting activities — hunting , combat , riding — above literacy , nevertheless it was possible to acquire learning at them ; the opportunities exploited by William V of Aquitaine , William the Conqueror , Robert the Frisian , and Fulk le Réchin — all regarded as educated men — must have also been available to some of those who were brought up with them .
9 Here again Suger was reasserting royal supremacy in a world which had long been deaf to such claims .
10 Great-Aunt Alicia had always been susceptible to good-looking men , Sara reflected , and then had to admit to herself , but never feeble-minded about them .
11 The open fields themselves had always been subject to piecemeal enclosure , even as early as the fourteenth century .
12 The Communist Party had originally been opposed to such a proposal .
13 The USA had previously been opposed to such involuntary repatriation , as had the Vietnamese government , but the latter was expected to go along with the initiative , given its current desire to restore diplomatic relations with the USA .
14 By means of the co-operatives patients who had previously been subject to institutional peonage — payment of token wages in exchange for hospital work — have been able to earn wages comparable with those in the wider economy .
15 Deem gives the example of cuts in teacher training , which had the effect of reducing the opportunities that had previously been available to large numbers of girls who had been considered by their teachers to be , as they put it to Michelle Stanworth , ‘ not university material ’ .
16 He was a family man and , despite being a native New Yorker , he had never been closer to real violence in his whole life than on the TV. screen of his comfortable suburban house in Richmond .
17 Many insects can detect ultraviolet light , while the vision of the common goldfish ranges from ultraviolet to far-red : achievements that we have only been able to equal in recent years with the development of sophisticated electronic equipment .
18 Second , the occurrence of a strong global correlation between GNP and temperature does not necessarily mean that a cooler , more seasonal climate inherently favours socio-economic development ; it is arguable that such a relationship could be a fortuitous consequence of the high-latitude origins of modern industrialization , with that situation subsequently maintained by political and financial structures that have generally been disadvantageous to tropical nations .
19 I remember how , when I was a naughty boy as I usually was , there being no corporal punishment , I was led about on a bit of string by my Headmaster , and one day when I was being reprimanded I laughed in the Headmaster 's face — I have always been defiant to all who tried to control me .
20 They will need space and comfort , perhaps a garden if they have always been used to one and enjoy gardening , and , above all , they will need a property that gives them some self esteem and security .
21 Uniforms have always been attractive to certain women , and the flame-retardant overalls have become pretty much a uniform .
22 Institutions that train teachers have traditionally been sensitive to social need , and , through the controlling agency of public bodies , they have been quickly responsive to it .
23 The first three months of this year we 've had an increase in sales , but those have really been attributable to improved er t to stronger U S and Canadian currency rates .
24 To make matters more complicated , where aid programmes have sought to channel funds to small-scale farmers , or small businesses , the real priorities of the target beneficiaries have seldom been identical to those of the donor or the government .
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