Example sentences of "have [adv] to be [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 The West German electorate lacks confidence in Chancellor Kohl and his team , but has yet to be convinced that the SPD , with whatever future coalition partner it chooses , will do much better .
2 President Bush has yet to be convinced that ‘ going green ’ will translate into real votes come the presidential election later in the year , and his advisers ( who enjoy nothing so much as bashing a few Greens on the media before breakfast ) have sown so many doubts in his mind about ‘ the lack of scientific evidence ’ that global warming is not seen to be one of the challenges he now faces — despite the fact that his country is responsible for nearly 30 per cent of all emissions of carbon dioxide , the main greenhouse gas .
3 The second reason for the Labour movement 's hostility was that the trade unions had still to be convinced that their strength had increased sufficiently to risk reconsidering the position as declared at their annual conference in 1930 .
4 Area MPs have still to be convinced that it is the sporting fishery which butters their electoral bread .
5 Ludes wines are welcomed for their use in blending of cuvées , they have the body and vinosity of a true Montagne wine , but I have yet to be convinced that a single growth Ludes can be a complete wine on its own .
6 Because the majority of college lecturers have yet to be convinced that there are better ways of conveying information — e.g. by the use of video or computer — or are too lazy to investigate or to try them .
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