Example sentences of "have [adv] be [vb pp] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has since been pointed out by Digby McLaren ( 1970 ) that many other groups disappeared at the same level or underwent traumatic changes .
2 EASING London 's increasing traffic congestion by means of road pricing has effectively been ruled out by the Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson .
3 Easing London 's increasing traffic congestion by road pricing has effectively been ruled out by the Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson who told the Commons transport committee that it would be impractical .
4 The first has effectively been ruled out by the odd admission by the federalists , and has been dealt with earlier .
5 The idea has effectively been ruled out by the Commission 's clear reference to the need for a ‘ common economic policy ’ , but the myth that it is possible to separate one from the other persists in Britain .
6 In tonight 's programme , Laura and her parents discover whether she is suitable for the surgery , which has only been carried out on a handful of other patients and is still at the experimental stage .
7 John Prescott , transport spokesman , has largely been frozen out of the national campaign , which is surprising given his adept performance on BBC 's election call this week .
8 Observed in uncompromising midsummer light , Clytemnestra looked like something that , having lain neglected at the bottom of an old woman 's knitting basket , has finally been brought out to be mended .
9 At a time when football — our so-called national game — has finally been sold out by its organisers to big-money TV , rugby league should be attempting to woo its support .
10 have n't got the plan in What has just been pointed out to me is that the er smaller site , that is the one with Oakwood on it , which I 'm sure is familiar to er anybody present , that 's just opposite Skelton Manor and Court , and the larger site was the land to the east of Oakwood incorporating this much larger pond w with what appears to be an island in it , er running right up to the boundary of the conservation area , I think .
11 But a compromise has just been worked out between the governor , the tribes and Bruce Babbitt , the ex-governor of Arizona who is now interior secretary , under which casino gambling would be restricted to the reservations , and the tribes would be given slot machines in proportion to their population .
12 Giggs , United 's 19-year-old wonderkid , has already been singled out by AC Milan as their top British target .
13 it is clear justice has already been meted out to you .
14 Perry Doyle , the defenceman , has already been ruled out of today 's showdown with Streatham by knee trouble .
15 It has already been pointed out above how Intasun had joined with Ramada to manage its new London hotel interests .
16 This has already been pointed out by Hoffman but his advice has been ignored .
17 The synapsis of sign has already been pointed out by Hirtle ( 1967 : 21 ) , but the reason suggested for it — namely , that the infinitive has the meaning " event time not yet actualized " and the non-past indicative implies " event in the not yet stretch of universe time " — will have to be re-examined .
18 As has already been pointed out in section I .2 , practical redistributional measures are not costless , so that it is in all probability more efficient to tell the telephone company it has to bear the expense of maintaining rural telephone boxes than to fund these separately .
19 A difference in these cell numbers related to sex has already been pointed out in rats given omeprazole .
20 That such behaviour occurs for series and parallel resonant circuits has already been pointed out in section 5.7 .
21 The historical context of the appeal has already been set out in the judgment of Scott L.J .
22 The third market has already been sorted out by closing it down ; now is the time for an equally drastic solution for these untraded quoted shares .
23 Anonymous screening for HIV has already been carried out among more than 150,000 pregnant women .
24 Use of a chart prevents repetition of work that has already been carried out by blocking any attempt to reapply the same rule in the same place .
25 No brief summary can possibly do justice to the depth of the analysis ; but it has already been tried out on some uncommonly hard-nosed customers , and elicited their approbation .
26 It is believed the haul has already been smuggled out of the country .
27 I doubt if any survey has ever been carried out without the researcher having some regrets at the analysis stage about some questions which could have been phrased better , but the good researcher makes sure in advance that these regrets are as few as possible .
28 No complete census of dolphins has ever been carried out in India , although the total population is generally assumed to be between 4000 and 5000 .
29 The significant feature of privatization has been that the transformation has usually been carried out by broadly the same teams that had worked under nationalization .
30 Worse still , the dish has probably been cleaned out with some form of modern detergent .
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