Example sentences of "have [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although the positioning of players seems wrong and choice of instruments has presumably been dictated by the need for variety in a tiny space ( the original is quite small ) much remains plausible .
2 According to the outgoing editor , Mr Peter Stanford , she also has glamour of a kind that has rarely been seen in the paper 's musty offices .
3 The point has since been confirmed by the House of Lords .
4 He was within 18 months of retirement and has since been elected to the UK Central Council for Nursing , the profession 's regulatory body .
5 An additional £74,000 has since been transferred to the Trust , making a magnificent total of over £380,000 generated by the affinity scheme in only six months .
6 A President and a Council of Ministers were installed , but effective political power has since been exercised by the leadership of the sole legal political organization , the Lao People 's Revolutionary Party ( LPRP ) .
7 Although some progress has since been made by the meticulous work of the late Sir Ian Richmond and Roger Goodburn , it has been on too small a scale to support any attempt at a chronology of the history of the site .
8 This has since been refined with the issue of the revised Capricode ( DHSS , 1986 ) manual in 1986 .
9 Open Accounting was originally developed on Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 9000 range , but has since been implemented for the RS/6000 , Sequent Computer Systems Corp boxes and Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha running OSF/1 .
10 A strong lobby within the Labour Party was urging more open government and greater access to official information on the lines of the Freedom of Information Act which has since been implemented in the United States .
11 A huge area has since been cleared for the construction of flyovers , underpasses , multi-lane carriageways and slip roads , with forlorn office blocks and high rise flats standing around them , either waiting to be demolished or recently erected .
12 This has since been employed in the wide variety of commercial designs that have arrived following the introduction of the Hawaiian ; but for a simple and long-standing development one need look no further than Top of The Line 's own ‘ Spin-Off ’ .
13 A wide variety of other commercial and industrial organisations has since been attracted to the country , not least because of its central location and excellent transport links with the rest of the country .
14 Mark Carr , of North Road , Boldon Colliery , left home on Wednesday last week and has since been spotted in the Biddick Hall area of South Shields .
15 A discipline has since been founded on the idea that human behaviour is genetically controlled , a hybrid of sociology and biology called sociobiology .
16 An aeroplane taking 22 men of the Special Air Service Regiment in June 1944 to be dropped behind the German lines to join the Maquis was recalled on account of bad weather , crashed somewhere in the wooded area near Dijon and no trace has since been found of the plane and its company .
17 The t table has since been superseded by the fatter chips and bigger bytes of modern computing ; the pop-up menus of today 's statistical packages tempt the unwary with an appetising range of p values hardly imaginable in 1965 .
18 No plane like it has since been used by the public .
19 Intended as a critique of contemporary English society , Utopia has since been claimed as the work of ‘ the first socialist ’ .
20 Vasari recorded it in situ in his biography of Cosimo Roselli , but the work has since been attributed to the Master of the Fiesole ‘ Epiphany ’ , a follower of Domenico Ghirlandaio .
21 The last of the modern illuminated cars is a frigate , based originally on H.M.S. Blackpool , which has since been sold to the New Zealand navy !
22 The ten per cent addition assumed by the Eighth Schedule was , as in the 1947 Act , measured by the external cube , but it has since been modified to the smaller of cube or internal floor space , and only relates now to buildings in existence on 1 July 1948 .
23 Now , all of those criticisms come about on the work that 's been done which has mostly been done on the recognition of characters and letters .
24 Some information has necessarily been removed from the dictionary to cut down on storage requirements .
25 So too with the body clock : it might be that several outputs with different periods are possible and that we tend to concentrate upon the daily or circadian clock because this is the period that is most useful to the organism and which has naturally been accentuated by the environment with its 24-hour period .
26 To all intents and purposes it is legal — it may look ugly but so do most of the putters these days , and the design has obviously been passed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club , which does exercise a very tight control over such matters .
27 Insufficient attention has hitherto been given to the role that can be played by scholarly publication in influencing harmonization .
28 There is only one explanation of what has hitherto been accepted as the basis of the criminal law and that is that there are certain standards of behaviour or moral principles which society requires to be observed , and the breach of them is an offence not merely against the person who is injured but against society as a whole .
29 Thus , as a case study in business history , the Stockton and Darlington Company provides important insights into the process of managerial decision-making in a period of economic history which has hitherto been under-researched at the level of the individual firm .
30 ‘ We 've been financially solvent for the last five years , and the surplus has all been allocated to the new production of The Count of Luxembourg .
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