Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its initial growth was interrupted by the subdued stock trading that followed the 1987 stock market crash , though it has since resumed to trade in reasonable volumes .
2 Mr Taylor has constantly refused to bow to public pressure and select certain players , sticking instead to his guns a policy that may now lead directly to his downfall .
3 The 1922 Committee of backbench MPs is led by Cranley Onslow , stocky , ginger-haired and looking unaccountably like a surveyor who has just arrived to advise on suspected dry rot in the roof .
4 This comes as no news to anyone who has ever tried to render into English verse so much as a strophe of Horace .
5 Mr Deng has repeatedly promised to retire in recent years , but yesterday was the first time he had reissued the pledge since the Tiananmen Square massacre and a shake-up of the party leadership .
6 Although Kapil 's arrival led to some sportier tracks around the country , he has often had to contend with unhelpful pitches , which makes his overall record at home even more praiseworthy : 204 wickets in 58 Tests , at an average of 26.73 .
7 The success of such authors has probably contributed to the view that the inspiration for postmodernism in Britain has often had to come from foreign models rather than a native tradition of this form of writing , or even much of a disposition towards it .
8 In the past the National Front has sometimes managed to enter into local pacts with the two mainstream right-wing parties .
9 One woman told her that " the men get the more experienced and difficult work " , while another reported that she thought " the work very pleasant and suitable for women … but has sometimes found working with small type to be a slight strain on her eyesight " .
10 As recently as April 29 at Olivetti 's annual meeting , De Benedetti said , ‘ Olivetti has never provided financing to political parties or associated entities .
11 She has never had to compete with private collectors for company archives and hopes she never has to .
12 They may also have naively failed to distinguish between genuine British opposition to American demands and a tactical stance designed to wring aid from Washington .
13 The kind of planning which the FBI had in mind — ‘ indicative planning ’ involving the gathering and exchange of information on the development of the economy and the improvement of co-ordination , rather than the formulation and compulsory implementation of a central plan — had already been attempted under the Tories with the formation of the National Economic Development Council ( NEDC ) in 1962 but had effectively remained subordinated to conventional stop-go demand management practice : Labour promised a form of planning which would be ‘ purposeful ’ and ‘ effective ’ , which would ‘ have teeth in it somewhere ’ ( Budd , 1978 , Chapter 6 ) .
14 I think we 've all grown used to small loasses of fruit and vegetables but not on this scale .
15 You know , you 've only got to go to Eastern Europe and China , you know , these places have been completely erm , insulated from any world trade .
16 well you , you 've only got to get to subsid science
17 The Prelude , which is , in fact , the nearest thing to the great philosophical poem which Coleridge hoped Wordsworth would produce , was mostly written while Coleridge was in Malta , and it is as an exposition of Wordsworth 's ideas that we must read it ; for Coleridge , as we shall see , had already begun to return to orthodox Christianity and in 1803 was shocked at Wordsworth 's irreverence : ‘ O dearest William !
18 When they left the following day , the eastern end of the park had already begun to fill with tattered bivouacs and shelters of thorn and tarpaulin .
19 One possibility is that he had already begun to campaign in western Saxon territory and that additional troops joined him from his supporters there .
20 On the other matter , however , inciting unrest in the city which had already led to trouble between Moslem and Copt and might still lead to massacre , Andrus was , if not the prime mover , then definitely a prime mover , and for that he must be made to pay .
21 As the PAL:YPE recalls , this impression was based on a combination of physical environment , staff vision , and an existing commitment to an infrastructure including a permanent part-time library assistant : School A I was impressed with , because they too had already started to talk about resource-based learning and they already had as far as I remember … ( now my memory is fairly vague now because it is quite a long time ago ) … but as far as I remember they had a Headmaster , who was extremely interested , very keen indeed , and they had a committee already set up , I think to look into this .
22 The shares had just started to recover on faint hopes of a busy festive season .
23 The Norfolk worsted manufacture , unique in having spread from Norwich to an arable farming district , had always remained dispersed in small units without great clothiers and had never recovered from its recession in the previous century .
24 obviously we 've got to work together on all , are you listening to me ? , on all the different parts of the body , you want them all to come alive , okay , so , this week as I say we 're gon na concentrate on sound , sound , sound , sound , you 've got to play on sound that is the painting , I mean the , the pictures do you , alright that 's fine , at the same does n't matter we 've still got to work on different things , yeah , okay ? , erm , so , as I say we 're going to make a sound machine in different groups , now to give you an example , what I what you to do is be , I 'm going to give you a situation , give , choose a profession , okay , let's say we are in hospital , now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation , think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital , everyone to themselves just think of a sound , could be a patient screaming , it could be a heart machine , it could be , er exactly , could be that , could be absolutely anything , it could sirens , it could be anything , okay , for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay , everyone 's got a sound in their head ?
25 He was not clear about it , had no notion of his objective or destination ; he knew only that he had once felt filled with high sense of purpose , that aimlessness had not then been his condition , but a starry conviction .
26 So he ordered to be brought to him the finest silk cloth and brilliant threads , and made for pleasure what he had once needed to make for harsh necessity .
27 It had also returned loaded with magnificent botanical , zoological , and geological collections for the Crown .
28 The judge was therefore right to admit evidence of oral admissions. ( 2 ) the prosecution had originally elected to proceed on substantive counts rather than conspiracy under the Practice Direction [ 1977 ] 1 W.L.R. 537 which was designed to avoid overloading indictments : Novac ( 1976 ) 65 Cr.App.R. 107 ; Thorne ( 1977 ) 66 Cr.App.R. 6 .
29 Sendei and Rodomonte were forced to navigate the tiny passages for themselves , and had narrowly avoided falling into open pits at least twice .
30 Ro Jai Bong , 54 , hitherto chief presidential aide and a former university professor , was appointed to succeed Prime Minister Kang Young Hoon , whom Roh had reportedly asked to retire from public life .
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