Example sentences of "have [prep] [be] [vb pp] with a " in BNC.

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1 The likelihood ratio test statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the restrictions are correct is 8.58 , which has to be compared with a chi-square variate with eight degrees of freedom .
2 For their UK data ADD carried out such a test and obtained a test statistic of 17.93 which has to be compared with a critical chi-square value of 15.5 at the 5 per cent level and 20.1 at the 1 per cent level , with 8 degrees of freedom .
3 The era of local management of schools means that the traditional spending function associated with capitation has to be replaced with a whole school budgetary process and plan .
4 At -75°C diesel fuel has to be chopped with a hatchet .
5 This method has to be handled with a great deal of care since the danger is that it will result in exactly the kind of antagonism which the salesperson is wishing to avoid .
6 It is suggested , therefore , that piecemeal reform has to be treated with a certain degree of caution .
7 For example , imagine a locked safe that has to be opened with a crowbar .
8 And I , I , I think obviously everything that he says has to be taken with a pinch of salt , but we 'll , we 'll come on to that
9 Of course this calculation has to be taken with a pinch of salt .
10 When I examined the new drugs , I was glad to see some acriflavine — a useful all-round skin antiseptic which has to be used with a bandage to prevent evaporation because of its alcohol base .
11 Pakistan is unique in that the sale of gas has to be negotiated with a transmission company , while the price is negotiated with the government .
12 Usually the physical data on soil loss has to be combined with a fairly detailed knowledge of land-use and its history , if the man-made contribution to erosion is to be reliably estimated over large areas ( outside carefully laid-out experimental plots in research stations ) .
13 SGML documents are extremely cumbersome to create — initially the authoring software has to be primed with a Document Type Definition , after which the user can create particular SMGL documents that conform to that definition .
14 The Lanes ' vat has had to be fitted with a new stainless steel liner .
15 The manager knows that the normal level of spending would leave the budget underspent and that this underspending will have to be forfeited with a possible consequent reduction in next year 's budget .
16 An EEIG does not have to be formed with a capital , but may be financed in a number of ways ( e.g. the provision of assets or services ) or even not at all if participants consider that it can operate on the basis of current account facilities from any of the participants and/or a bank .
17 The current system of a rotating Community Presidency would likewise have to be replaced with a central Presidency of Europe .
18 But if they become a normal event , all papers prepared for Council will have to be written with a much wider audience in mind .
19 Arrangements will have to be made with a suitable removal firm if she is going to bring some of her furniture with her , and she may need help in finding the best dealers or auctioneers to take the items she wants to dispose of .
20 The words could be stored contiguously in an array , so each element of the array would in effect be just a character , and each word would have to be terminated with a dummy character , for example a null character .
21 If West Yorkshire can manage without a county council and manage well , and the West Yorkshire district councils can carry out the necessary functions , why does Derbyshire have to be encumbered with a county council ?
22 If access to the toilet is difficult , perhaps because it has steps , or the room is too small for a wheelchair and the carer to manoeuvre in , he may have to be provided with a commode .
23 Mr Chambers said that innovative technology would have to be combined with a transfer of responsibility to the best people and organisations able to develop and produce oil and gas reserves .
24 The father of five 's face was so badly busted he had to be fitted with a metal cage to keep the bones in place until they set .
25 So highly regarded was the mistletoe , that it had to be cut with a golden knife .
26 In the parlance of Scotland 's street — talk , Baxter was ‘ dead gallus ’ , everything had to be done with a swagger and a smile .
27 Once illustrated , each backdrop design had to be overlaid with a precise grid pattern as an aid for the scenic artist .
28 Beyond that period , he had to be issued with a holding order and eventually served with allegations of his suspected terrorist activities which he could contest before a commissioner in a special ‘ Diplock ’ Detained Persons ' Tribunal .
29 Apparently in deference to The Builder 's comments , the submission date was extended and designs had to be inscribed with a motto and delivered to Westminster Hall on or before 20th March , 1857 .
30 All of these had to be mixed with a suitable quota of pretty and elegant women to form some sort of homogeneous gathering , so that the guests would , after a fashion , entertain themselves as well as be entertained .
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