Example sentences of "have [adv] [been] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Although rural housing , as we shall see later in this chapter , has never been in plentiful supply , the newcomers provide an easy scapegoat for the otherwise ‘ hidden hand ’ of the housing market .
32 ‘ That last has never been in any doubt .
33 There is none of that apparently aimless wandering in short stretches , punctuated by frequent bends , going halfway round the compass to reach the next hamlet or village , which characterises the byroads in country that has never been in open field or left it several centuries ago .
34 And er I remember one one chap he were a bit scared , very much so , and oh dear dear dear , he 'd only been within other bloke , a chap A chap from , what was his name now ?
35 yeah and he went and she said well it that 'd always been across that road
36 At one year old he was the ideal age for breeding and although he 'd never been with another bird before , his first mate produced eggs within two months .
37 I 'd never been to New Earth before .
38 Mind you , he 'd never been in good health , not since they sent him home from France . ’
39 I 'd never been in this room before .
40 Among them are a surprising ( or is it ? ) number of aeroplanes bearing Cayman Islands letters , many of which I 'll bet have never been near that tax ; haven , the late Cap'n Bob 's pair of liquidator-awaiting , Bermudan-registered Gulfstreams , appropriately VR-BOB and VR-BRM , and a host of N-numbered machines which no doubt the Gatwick-based FAA inspectors looking for illegally operated U.S.-registered aircraft will find enlightening .
41 I 've only been in the industry , I 've only been with this company for two and half years , and when I joined and had a look at what the industry was about , there were thirty express overnight carriers .
42 They say that hunting 's for er er human pleasure , er , I mean personally I 've only been to one hunt , and I do n't see what all the the , the , the , the trouble 's about because the huntsman is only a spectator , it 's the hounds that are hunting the fox and it is to keep the foxes down .
43 One of them had only been at Long Lartin for three weeks …
44 The OEO Agent had obviously been in continuous pain by the end of their long , slow hike , and Bernice was able to boost the feed of chemicals provided by Defries 's combat suit .
45 And , and how do people find out about you if they 've perhaps been through psychiatric illness ?
46 The principles of variation ornamentation , thematic reshaping , and so on — had long been in common use .
47 I also think he had been slightly influenced by Father D'Arcy , with whom lie had apparently been in recent touch .
48 ‘ owing to the presence of which ’ This point is normally covered in any witness statement that might be available , viz. ‘ I saw four vehicles were involved etc. ’ or ‘ if it had not been for that vehicle the accident would not have happened ’ .
49 ‘ Sir , ’ he said to the court , ‘ I would be a dead man by now if it had not been for this gentleman . ’
50 And equally clearly , concealed in the base of the box , it had not been for public view .
51 Further research revealed that in 1414/15 an Andrew Forshey had been chosen as one of two men to represent the borough in parliament , and it seemed sensible to hazard that a man of this standing would have held property in the area , for he would have been unlikely to have been elected by his fellow bailiffs , with the assent of the whole community , if he had not been of substantial material worth .
52 The first defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the deputy judge had been wrong in law in holding that for the substituted section 9 ( b ) of the Wills Act 1837 to be satisfied the testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions ; and ( 2 ) there was no sufficient evidence upon which the deputy judge could have found that the testator had not been of testamentary capacity at the time he had made and signed the alleged codicil on 18 April 1986 .
53 Football specials still arrive at Wadsley Bridge although the station had not been in normal use since 1959 .
54 She had not been in that position .
55 ‘ Why , my lord , when we were left alone — and I think if they had not been in such haste to move on they would not have left a man of us alive to tell the tale — we first tended the worst hurt , and took counsel , and decided we must take the news on to Ramsey , and also back here to Shrewsbury .
56 Harry had not been in good shape in Jo 's memory .
57 as if she had just been in actual combat she dropped down on to the couch and sat gasping , drawing in long , shuddering breaths .
58 ‘ I 've not been in this part of the forest .
59 Sadism had always been of theoretical interest to Freud , and he suggests in Beyond the Pleasure Principle that it derives its energy from the death instincts .
60 Owing to his lack of resources he had always been to some extent a figurehead , but he had become an indispensable one .
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