Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] [det] time [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The surface of the etch-resist ink might wash off in the developer but a layer of ink can still be left on the board , because the UV light has not had enough time to penetrate all the way through the resist .
2 He has n't got much time left to come up with a challenge for 1992 .
3 In September 1989 Chadli announced the postponement of local elections , originally scheduled for December , following complaints from the opposition parties that they had not had enough time to prepare for them .
4 According to a radio commentary on Aug. 7 , there were complaints from the opposition that they had not had enough time to campaign effectively , and instances were cited of bullying by MPRP election supervisors .
5 Ruling that the UK had breached international agreements , the judges dismissed the British government 's contention that it had not had enough time to meet standards set in 1975 .
6 It had not left much time to arrange for a reception committee .
7 I 'm in the Flying Fox and I 've just spent some time hovering at just a thousand feet over Bicester and the town centre looking good there .
8 However , You 've not got much time to get your teams in to me .
9 In Angola and Mozambique , there are strange creatures called ‘ Marxist-Leninist States ’ when Marx and Lenin had both spent much time denouncing the State as intrinsically oppressive , but the media mean no more by this phrase than radical nationalists .
10 Now Bubble , who had n't had much time to reflect on his England-experience , was obviously starting to think over his position .
11 Perkin had n't had much time to hunt elsewhere for anything suitable .
12 Curly Top had n't had enough time to get more people to the gatehouse .
13 Deciding they had n't spent enough time talking to industrialists ( Marks and Spencer was the favoured analogy ) , she killed it off in 1983 .
14 ‘ I am devastated by what is going on — I have not got much time left and I want to spend it here , ’ said Gladys , who got the Queen 's Medal for her work with the Women 's Royal Voluntary Service .
15 ‘ I have n't had much time to think . ’
16 ‘ It 's a beautiful home with a wonderful music room , but I have n't had any time to enjoy it , ’ he says .
17 I have n't got much time left , Ellen .
18 You 've got , you have n't got any time , you have n't got any time to do anything now anyway !
19 In my experience I c if I do a plan I have n't got enough time to write the essay .
20 We have n't spent much time discussing our personal lives , have we ? ’
21 But their philosophy comes pouring out , and you realise that they certainly have n't spent much time thinking about any aspect of their behaviour , or the kind of images they project , let alone strange and isolated postures .
22 She 's certainly had some time to kill , while awaiting her big moment .
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