Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] of the " in BNC.

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1 Then if he still has not come out of the tent I will go down there while it is still light , very quietly , and see if I can see , without getting too close , how he is .
2 Since the success of ‘ A Fish Called Wanda ’ , he has largely kept out of the public eye .
3 A middle-aged building worker who arrived at the palace — his first time in such a place — after his marriage had broken up , said , " I was a little bit disgusted , they do n't treat you as if you were just unemployed , they treat you like a person who has just crawled out of the gutter . "
4 More than 5,000 Swindon fans have signed a petition calling on the sports governing body to return the club to the first flight , replacing another side which has already pulled out of the league .
5 Although Laps has now passed out of the benign hands of David and Lotte Lapidus , who ran it for some 50 years , the tradition lives on as does the style of cuisine , best described by the Yiddish word hamisch .
6 By comparison with the immense popularity of contemporary feminist fiction , it seems that feminist art has n't broken out of the tine art ‘ ghetto ’ .
7 Leaks at compression joints ( page 23 ) can usually be cured by tightening the nuts ( make sure the pipe has n't pulled out of the sealing ring ) ; curing a leak in soldered capillary joints and solvent-welded joints in plastic pipes is more difficult and usually involves draining and remaking the joint ( pages 22 and 28 ) .
8 He and Kenneth started conversing using no fewer than five-syllable words before he 'd even got out of the car , and have been rabbiting happily like two philatelists over a rare collection .
9 Perhaps they 'd never looked out of the windows .
10 ‘ I 'm sorry , I think I 've rather got out of the habit of talking to people . ’
11 He sent most of his staff into the embassy vault where they set about burning and shredding the classified papers that remained ( he had most shipped out of the country already ) , destroying the cryptographic equipment and dismantling the controlling element in the satellite communications station .
12 There was only a handful of mourners at Gillamoor Church , as Uncle George had rarely gone out of the little dale .
13 Once surrender had been agreed to , it was obvious that the Partisans had one object , and that was to secure , as they termed it , the " Booty of War " … within an incredibly short time , certainly less than twenty minutes , the Partisans had all emerged out of the hills and lined the main road for several thousand yards .
14 A man had suddenly emerged out of the blinding iridescence of the mist , a vague figure standing in the middle of the road with his back towards us .
15 Nigel was teaching drama so the project had already moved out of the Humanities department in a rather unsystematic way .
16 ( Miles had already spoken gloomily of the inevitable price rises which the Middle East situation must precipitate .
17 Many with whom she had shared the screen for a brief while , people whom she had revered , who had even seemed to define life — such as Akhmatova and Pasternak and Vysotsky — had already slipped out of the plot , and the film churned on as if they had never been .
18 She hoped Veronica Puddephat had not moved out of the Red House after the separation .
19 Rafiq , for example , who had not changed out of the grubby overalls that he had been wearing on the day of Robert 's interview , seemed to spend most of his time painting the walls of his classroom .
20 At last , a jazz influenced band who do n't try to look as if they 've just stepped out of the pages of Kerouac .
21 See , and I 've just made out of the stomach .
22 ‘ As you can see , I 've just come out of the bath , ’ Shae said , striving to remain polite , when every instinct in her soul was screaming at her to send the actress running with her tail between her legs .
23 So I 've just come out of the goodness of my heart to warn you to save yourself while you can : you 'll lose Hugo — where is he , by the way ?
24 Well they 've just come out of the chip pan
25 Well I 've just come out of the debate which has just finished on the Palestine and Israel situation and er we passed the voting paper which will become policy for the party , calling for er a non-violent solution recognising the P L O and urging the U N to facilitate negotiations between Israeli government and the P L O.
26 She shakes me gently by the hand and announces quietly , ‘ I 've just got out of the bath . ’
27 A LORRY veered off a road and crashed straight into a bathroom where 19-year-old sales assistant Joanna Betts had just stepped out of the shower .
28 There was nothing visible downstairs where we were , so immediately went up the stairs at the side to the production level where the blast had come from , and there we met a group of people who had just come out of the control room and they were cut and suffering from shock 'cos the blast had obviously well it d nearly blown the control room apart .
29 At once I can see Annexe B , Summerchild 's list of possible members of the Unit , as clearly as if it had just come out of the porridge oats box .
30 Elaine a retired civil servant who had worked all her life , felt she made a mistake in retiring at the same time as her friend Louise who had always opted out of the cooking and cleaning in favour of gardening and doing the decorating .
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