Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The SCOTCAT network has since widened still further by the agreement of the senates of all Scottish Universities to participate .
2 In the first edition I felt I owed a debt of gratitude to my old teacher , Professor Geoffrey Lampe , who has since died so courageously of cancer , to close friends , the Revd.
3 Chris Lewis is another contender , not least in the field , but he has not achieved quite enough at this early stage in his career .
4 The good news is that the most common infestation , by the woodworm — or anobium punctatum or furniture beetle , call it what you will — can be treated , so long as it has not gone too far into the timbers , at a cost of a few hundred pounds .
5 Stressing the need ‘ to behave in a manner which is neither racist nor sexist , ’ ‘ to uphold individual rights , ’ and ‘ to cooperate and consult with the community and other agencies in pursuing our purpose ’ has not gone down well with conservative officers .
6 FOR reasons that go deep into its past , Hungary has not done well out of the twentieth century .
7 He has not done so either in his evidence to the Committee or on the Floor of the House .
8 It is whether the pendulum has not swung too far in the other direction , so that the vitality , resourcefulness and dynamism of the modern corporation is sinking under the weight of excessive regulatory controls .
9 Public opinion , though skewed to the right on many issues , has not moved further right between 1979 and 1989 , and may actually have moved in a contrary direction .
10 ‘ It 's nice to get four victories on the bounce , but I just hope Christmas has not come too early for us . ’
11 The Journal has not got very far in finding out where the applications are expected to come from — or how the thing will be marketed .
12 The reason such analysis has not proceeded more vigorously in the past is that evolutionary biologists have virtually ignored developmental psychology , now a vast field in its own right , while psychologists for their part have not appreciated the great potential of evolutionary theory for their own studies .
13 One of the reasons why the purchasing power parity theorem has not worked so well over short periods is that the influence on currencies of current account flows has diminished , while capital account transactions have assumed a greater role .
14 Mahat et al. also show that the area of forested land has not changed very much since 1950 , although forest quality has declined as grazing pressure has increased .
15 But the basic situation has not changed very much in twenty years .
16 But it seems more likely that this fear has more to do with the childhood horror of seeing the parent scream at the ‘ smothering ’ cat that has just jumped up on to a cot or bed .
17 Given that the Prime Minister correctly said last night that Maastricht will be an important stage on the road to even closer European union , what does he say today to those of his right hon. Friends who say that he has already gone far enough down the road to political and monetary union and , in their words , we should stay where we are ?
18 Love has already come out firmly as a feminist who believes that a certain female viewpoint needs to be given space , but even she sees the dichotomy between feminism and her ‘ battered slut in baby dolls ’ image .
19 Terry Lewis has already got there ahead of me . ’
20 Indeed , the Crown has generally done rather well in such cases .
21 Wilko is likely to be impressed with Jobson as he has always played reasonably well vs Leeds — even in his Barnsley days .
22 His ring classicism has always argued so persuasively against excessive physical harm , his pride was beyond anything but a regal exit .
23 In the same way , Islam has always been an urban faith , ill at ease with the wilderness ; its civilization has always flourished most successfully in the labyrinths of the ancient bazaar towns of the East .
24 Stardent established AVS Inc in 1991 to muster some extra cash for its crumbling empire — the software , an environment for viewing complex graphics data has always faired reasonably well in the scientific and technical community .
25 Clare has always had rather more in the way of aristocratic pretensions than Andy , who has that aura of classless broth-of-a-boyhood that usually only the congenitally rich can carry off convincingly .
26 The government has also stepped more boldly into the contentious territory of clinical standards by requiring every doctor to participate in medical audit and , at the instigation of the Royal Colleges , setting up a Clinical Standards Advisory Group at central level .
27 He has also worked tremendously hard in helping out in defence , especially at set-pieces .
28 ‘ I have been there before and it has often worked out well for me .
29 ‘ I have been there before and it has often worked out well for me .
30 ‘ You 'd better know — unofficially — that an alert for Tweed has now gone out secretly to our counter-espionage friends and certain police chiefs in Europe .
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