Example sentences of "have [pron] [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( Case in point : has she even noticed the metamorphosis I 've achieved in her flat ?
2 The stress and strain on muscles and joints is considerable , but why has she not sent the doctor 's certificate as a matter of courtesy to the tournament authorities ?
3 Has it even helped the auction houses ? ’
4 Has he not shut the door ?
5 The Penrith trainer , who always answers a question by asking another question told me ‘ Has he not got the class to win it ?
6 He has increased funds to the Arts Council , so why has he not unfrozen the acquisition grants ?
7 Has he also adapted the scale for all keys ? ’
8 Not since Dinah Henson , nee Oxley , won the British and English Women 's Championships in the one season — 1970 — has anyone so dominated the game .
9 PS Has anyone still got the torygraph listings for their FFL , if so could you please post them to me .
10 PS Has anyone still got the torygraph listings for their FFL , if so could you please post them to me .
11 She had now grown quite used to Betty who had , on the whole , been very patient with her ; and , once accepted , it was restful having someone around to do the cooking and the washing-up .
12 It 's worth having one just to see the expression on your enemy 's face as the Giant jumps up and down on his cherished troops .
13 If he drew a positive result from his questions , he would have something else to tell the policeman , as well as the manner in which he believed the victims had been killed .
14 ‘ She insisted on staying today , and I 'm grateful to have someone here to answer the door .
15 ‘ I have to have someone along to push the car . ’
16 You 're gon na have to have somebody else to take the money wo n't you ?
17 And had I not wiped the floor with the little squirt , conversationally speaking ?
18 Had I just seen the DOS version , I 'd have been a little niggled about some of the design parameters , but very impressed at the functionality , with an overall favourable opinion .
19 Had I ever considered the prospect myself ?
20 Oh , we had someone round to see the house yesterday .
21 He also realized that he had himself unwittingly carried the disease from one midwifery patient to another .
22 Why had she not made the connection and what , in any case , was the connection ?
23 Had she not learned the futility of striking back ?
24 Had he emphasised the ‘ you ’ , implying that she was n't worth lying to , or had she simply imagined the insult ?
25 On going back downstairs in her working clothes to do the washing up , she felt a quiet pride : not only had she now achieved the status of a married woman , but she had also had a proper wedding with a cake and an attendant — which was more than did most girls of her class .
26 By the way , had you ever realised the name is Saxon by origin ?
27 Erm so in actual fact we 'd 've been there or thereabouts had we not made the budget assumptions that we did .
28 As the transporter approached the dead end without slowing , Bernice remembered that she had something else to tell the Doctor .
29 This accords with a remark Johnson made to Boswell as they drove towards Aberdeen : ‘ I might have taken the side of the savage equally , had anybody else taken the side of the shopkeeper . ’
30 Indeed , except that she was deadly tired , she had herself almost forgotten the reason for her homecoming in the more important matter of her grandfather 's plight .
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