Example sentences of "have [prep] be [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately the mouse does n't eliminate the keyboard completely , the basic information still has to be fed into the computer but what is does do is to make the manipulation of that information much simpler .
2 If the house has a solid floor then a radon stump has to be dug into the foundations .
3 As it is fast growing , additional capital has to be injected into the company to finance the rapid rate of growth .
4 We all find ourselves in a situation at some time where we have to carry a very heavy suitcase , or where a parcel has been delivered and has to be lifted into the house .
5 Put bluntly , to be identified positively , homosexuality usually has to be dissolved into the androgynous .
6 If boiler and hot water cylinder are on the same level , a pump has to be installed into the system .
7 Running this through the sophisticated computer models for atmospheric chemistry that now exist , the group calculates that some 50 000 tonnes pa of ethane or propane would have to be injected into the stratosphere to mop up the free chlorine created each Antarctic spring .
8 ‘ Both will also have to be integrated into the Treaty of Rome when finally agreed , if finally agreed . ’
9 You would need foundations , and a 100mm wall as high at the house would have to be tied into the party wall to stabilise it , with every connection weakening the sound insulation value .
10 As a result , some otherwise non-optimal elements may have to be built into the contractual structure , some incentive compatibility constraints .
11 In schools , the development of European awareness will have to be built into the curriculum much more than it has been so far .
12 Safeguards would have to be built into the use of post-selection , pre-placement medical examinations , which should only be permitted if all successful applicants are subjected to such a medical examination .
13 There is of course no reason why individual lenders should not make insurance compulsory for their clients : its cost would have to be revealed to the customer , and it would have to be added into the calculated APR .
14 But I , I , I I ou really I , I know I 'll have to be thrown into the situation of having to do it
15 This was agreed in February 1906 and at the same time the order for a further 14 cars of the smaller type , to work the Sutton route , was cancelled when it was realized that the fifteen ‘ Croydon & District ’ cars dumped on the site of Mitcham Road Depôt ( Aurelia Road ) would have to be taken into the South Metropolitan fleet .
16 Should a mother be encouraged to work , in which case her children might have to be taken into the workhouse , or should she and the children be given outdoor relief ?
17 Careful consideration of the financial- and academic-year calendars is essential , and the planning process will have to be dovetailed into the LEA requirements .
18 If the European Commission now bases new law on this recommendation , solicitors will be able to practise in other EC countries without having to be integrated into the local legal profession .
19 To obtain a greater degree of permanence the time symbols of oral speech had to be converted into the space symbols of written speech .
20 A brick-built chimney had to be integrated into the reconstituted roof and new lead flashings were provided to reconcile this feature , as well as the added roof window , soil vent pipes and roof-light , with roof surfaces .
21 The Permanent Secretaries at the Home Office and the Lord Chancellor 's Department decided that the fledgling service had to be welcomed into the fold and helped to become an effective department .
22 He had to be helped into the house .
23 But when the coach arrived , young Linton had to be carried into the house .
24 Four weeks later at Avus he was back behind the controls , even through he hobbled to his car on crutches and had to be lifted into the cockpit and the pedals had to be modified because he could use only one foot .
25 If North Shields was to become a viable shopping centre and attract the kind of investment necessary for a scheme on the scale being envisaged in the 1960s and 1970s , then population and purchasing power had to be drawn into the town centre .
26 But someone had to be got into the job quickly and there were no other obvious candidates .
27 The need to establish the legitimacy of the political system after the years of repression and apathy meant that previously excluded groups such as the organized working class had to be brought into the political process .
28 It may relate to a packaging problem in which a fixed number of unrelated items have to be pressed into the smallest volume .
29 It is argued that the inclusion of overhead costs , which have to be absorbed into the product using some arbitrary basis , can distort product costs .
30 As cross-functional information flows become frequent and fragmented , integration mechanisms ( project teams , task forces , liaisons , product managers , etc. ) have to be built into the structure .
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