Example sentences of "have [be] a [noun] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yet we must be careful before blaming politicians for this mundane campaign , since in many respects it has been a reflection of ourselves .
2 There has been a rearrangement of his wealth .
3 The ark has been a sign of his presence .
4 There has been a possibility of my doing the Soldier 's Tale here in December , but it is still very much en l'air , as we balletists would put it — so do n't get excited yet . ’
5 Speech has been a part of our inner being ever since early childhood .
6 But a desire to be fair , a wish to be absolutely certain , and an understandable reluctance to accuse someone of perfidy who has been a friend of mine for six difficult years made me pull the telephone back to my mouth .
7 The result has been a consolidation of their power as men , over heterosexual women and lesbians , within the work , and the organization .
8 Rather , it has been a question of what he should leave out .
9 The stimulus for these changes has been a combination of my own experiences of doing mathematics and the discovery that my pupils could do mathematics in ways that I had not appreciated before .
10 But where music has been a constant right through the ages , cinema has been a product of its time .
11 This has been a focus of his first year and will be of his second .
12 He has been a victim of his own success at Arsenal in terms of his public profile but he 's professional enough to curb his celebrations when he scores a goal .
13 I was so proud of you — as proud as though you 'd been a child of mine trying to walk .
14 There 'd been a photograph of it in the paper , across someone 's hedge , its wings in a tree .
15 So he called me up and asked me if I wanted to play it , which was incredibly flattering because I 'd been a fan of his for such a long time .
16 Another thing that interested me was a comment from an ex-Liverpool defender who said , and I quote : ‘ If Alan Shearer had joined Manchester United , it would have been a question of who finished second ! ’
17 Had separatism confined itself to a political context , then however violent the discussion , its impact and effects would not have been a fraction of what they are .
18 The hat could have been a continuation of her face , Tom thought , the colours were so similar .
19 If they 'd caught her , they 'd have stuck her in Imbrium or somewhere , some institution She 'd been in places like that before That was like death to her There must have been a lot of them caught like that , at the end ,
20 looked down at her feet as she walked , finally admitted , a little ashamedly , that it was all true ; " I was wild , " she agreed in her slow , low voice , nodding , Graham felt a sort of ache then , as he had when Slater first told him ; he wanted to have known her then , to have been a part of her life during that time .
21 Looking immaculate in a bright red suit she said : ‘ I have been looking forward to this moment for a long time and I am glad to have been a part of it . ’
22 Subsequently he is reported to have been a pupil of his cousin George Wilfred Anthony , a drawing master in Manchester , later a landscape painter and art critic ( as ‘ Gabriel Tinto ’ ) for the Manchester Guardian .
23 My earlier assertion that Hunslet would be leaving at the end of the season , now appears to have been a figment of my imagination , and from what i 've read over the last couple of days Leeds appear to be up ‘ shit creek ’ .
24 I glanced involuntarily at Daffodil , but if there had been a flicker of her eyelids , I had missed it .
25 The boys talked nostalgically about the way fighting had been a part of their fathers ' world ; ‘ about the time old man MacIlroy , half-pissed , had taken on ali the men folk of his very extended family , at his sister 's wedding , and stili had time to call for more beer .
26 At one time , when she and Eric first met , Jackson had been a part of their life .
27 She clung to the picture of Mrs Rundle at home , for she had been a part of her home and the children had moored for a short while in the black harbour of her lap .
28 Fergus , lying sleepless and alone in the Prison of Hostages , could still feel the pain and the bewilderment , and the terrible knowledge that he , who loved Ireland beyond measure , had been a part of her doom .
29 Had she really expected him to think like David or Ben , or many of the other men who had been a part of her adult life ?
30 It had been a part of her intention in coming here to banish those shades : already it seemed they were darkening her mind as surely as they still lowered across her father 's .
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