Example sentences of "have [be] [vb pp] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A short length of new road linking Westburn Avenue to Baberton Mains Hill has been built passing beneath the Edinburgh/Carstairs railway which itself was diverted temporarily to facilitate the construction of this bridge and a larger one carrying the railway over the new bypass .
2 But gas has been recorded rising from the loch bed only in the shallower water of Urquhart Bay where the releases of small gas bubbles can be provoked by dragging grapples or dropping boulders .
3 In dogs , LAC type activity has been recorded originating from the interstitial cells of Cajal located at the submucosa-circular muscle interface of the colonic wall , where pacemaking takes place .
4 The spotted eagle owl is usually more an inhabitant of open country than is the Verreaux eagle owl , but it has been recorded nesting at the bottom of a 9 m shaft in a cave , well into the twilight zone ( Brain , 1981 ) .
5 When this operation has been done according to the conventional wisdom you then decide whether you like where you are apparently going to end up .
6 Just as the colonized has been constructed according to the terms of the colonizer 's own self-image , as the ‘ self-consolidating other ’ , so Europe
7 PSI , which is supported by the EPHOS guide to public procurement , is a reaction to end-users ' belief that too much time has been spent focusing on the protocol aspect of interoperability — in which users are n't at all interested .
8 ‘ I hear you have been seen going into the House of Oliver , ’ she said , her immaculately painted lips tight with fury .
9 The time that would have been spent waiting for the Department of Social Security to answer the telephone might instead have been used to uncover what Sally 's own priorities are .
10 The worst scarcity was in coal , some forty per cent of French production having been lost owing to the German invasion of the Lille area , and the population shuddered at the approach of each winter .
11 She did not pay the £600 for renewal of her patent and the day after it was due was ordered by magistrates to be detained in the county lunatic asylum at Caxlodge , near Newcastle , having been found wandering by the police .
12 The man , who was wearing a rucksack , is thought to have been seen running along the lane by motorists . ’
13 A Scotsman had been witnessed hammering on the door of the nearby Bull public house .
14 A small crossbow bolt had been sent smashing into the back of his skull .
15 On other occasions , he had been seen walking in the surrounding countryside at the dead of night , carrying sacks full of rocks .
16 Cars had been seen dodging through the lay-by to avoid red lights , it was said , and the pedestrian refuge between the road and lay-by was not wide enough to stand with a pram .
17 ( It is somewhat remarkable to note that after such stirring events , the committee went on to draw the master 's attention to the fact that a horse had been observed grazing in the paddock , which had been let for sheep only .
18 The crash of the Sea King helicopter in which twenty members of the S.A.S. died was reported as the regiment 's single greatest loss since a whole troop with an aircraft had been posted missing in the Second World War .
19 He did not permit the line to open until several telegraph posts which had been left standing in the roadway when the road was widened , were removed .
20 There was an almost audible sigh of relief around the world that someone had been caught tampering with the dictionary .
21 He explained that the young puffin had been found wandering in the village with a damaged wing , probably having been mauled by one of the many cats in the neighbourhood ( most of whom , incidentally , have six toes on each foot ) and he said that he would look after Eyvør for some weeks until it was well enough to be released .
22 Grandma had been found floating in the stream at the bottom of the garden — that lovely little stream , so sparkling and full of life .
23 He had come aboard at Kenora , he said , because the body of a groom from this train called Ricky had been found lying beside the railway lines near Thunder Bay .
24 Nevertheless , it was impossible to ignore the fact that the overall percentage of registered electors voting in favour , at 64.51 per cent in Latvia and 64.49 per cent in Estonia , fell short of the two-thirds majority which would have meant victory if the referendums had been held according to the April 1990 USSR legislation on the secession of a republic [ see pp. 37361-62 ] .
25 Firemen were already on their way to the scene because smoke had been reported billowing from the sub-station .
26 Only 39 per cent had been reported missing to the police .
27 The complexity and inter-relatedness of urban problems had been stressed , existing policies had been evaluated and a series of policy modifications had been proposed relating to the economy , housing , population dispersal , urban administration , and so on .
28 as if my whole life , he wrote , had been spent working at the glass and at the same time had been spent doing nothing at all .
29 Guilcher ( 1958 ) quotes salinities of 27 40 parts per thousand as being required for corals , but they have been observed flourishing in the Persian Gulf with salinity as high as 48 per thousand .
30 A change of greenbelt status , and changes to a proposed greenbelt boundary variously affecting the combined area known for the purposes of this enquiry as D thirty nine and D forty , north of Skelton Village , have been proposed in the deposit copies , and in the desire to change proposed by the county and local planning authorities , and sundry valid representations have been lodged relating to the exclusion of all or parts of the area of the greenbelt .
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